"But I am not sorry that I'm in love with you!"

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Hope's POV-

I went to blood train with my family and Caroline. I kept thinking about what happened in the cafeteria the entire time that we trained. I was just trying to protect her, I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I just don't understand why she's so mad at me, I said one thing that made her so angry, I just don't understand. I think to myself before I snap out of my thoughts when Caroline calls my name.

"Hope! Are you okay? You seem, off" Shit. I have to think of an excuse, I can't say it's because of her daughter. "Uh, just my nightmare, can't seem to get it out of my head I guess" I say with a small chuckle. "Okay well, let's get back to training" I nod at her and I keep my mind focused on training, while we were training I saw Freya leave and she walked back into the school. Should I follow her? No, I'll leave her be, maybe she needs something.

We kept training until after about an hour we finished. I left and went back into the school. I wanted to avoid Josie as best as I could. I don't know if she really wants to talk to me. I just want to give her space, she might still be mad.

I left back to my room and thankfully, I didn't see Josie, I walked inside my room and good think that she wasn't here either. She's probably in her own room with Lizzie

Josie's POV-

I ran into Penelope, I really didn't want to talk to her but she looked at me. "JoJo, did you read the letter yet?" Shit. The letter. I still haven't read it yet. Penelope could tell that since I wasn't speaking she obviously knew that I didn't.

"Given by your expression, I'm guessing not, read the letter JoJo, before it's too late" Penelope then walked away. What did she mean by "Before it's too late"? Maybe I should get the letter and read it once and for all. I go to my room and grab the letter that she gave me and I finally decided to read it.

Penelope was leaving? What? Without saying goodbye? How could she. I have to go see her, before it's too late. I left my room and went to the front of the school and I saw her with her bags about to leave when I stopped her.

"So you were just gonna leave without saying goodbye?" I say and she turns around and is surprised to see me. "I'm guessing you finally read the letter" "Belgium?" I say since that is where she was going. "My mom got a job there, and another school that only has witches, so now I won't have to deal with these vampires or werewolf's, or Lizzie, and JoJo I can't stay here and watch you put everyone else before yourself, and I waited, for you to give me one reason to stay, but instead you gave me a thousand to go" That breaks my heart a bit. I don't want her to leave, not yet.

"Please don't go" I say as I step closer to her with tears starting to come down my face. "Oh JoJo" She says as she steps closer to me and wipes my tears away. Before I know it I feel Penelope's lips on mine as she kissed me. The worst thing about it is that I kissed her back. "J-J-Josie" I heard a soft voice say behind me. I turn around and see Hope full with tears in her eyes and tears were pouring down her face. "H-Hope, i-it's not what it looks like" I say stuttering. Before Hope said anything else she ran off. I followed her.

Hope's POV-

After I hanged out in my room for a little bit, I decided I should go look for Josie. I walked into the main room of the school and saw Josie and Penelope kissing. It split my heart into two when I saw it. "J-J-Josie" Was all I was able to choke out as tears were pouring down my face. She turns around and looks at me. "H-Hope, i-it's not what it looks like" Josie says while stuttering. I didn't know what to say so I ran off and I could feel Josie close behind me.

I vamp speeded to my room and slammed the door closed as my legs gave out. I slid down the door with my back to it hugging my legs and sobbing quietly. How could she do this to me? After everything we've been through, everything I did for her, how could she have done this to me? I think to myself as I keep crying when I hear a knock at the door and Josie's voice.

"H-Hope, please, let me in, let me explain, please, Hope, Hope!" She says but I don't move from my spot. I hear her sit down outside the door. "I'm so sorry, and I know that you can hear me" She whispers and she's right, I can hear her because of my vamp hearing. I then hear more footsteps as I hear another familiar voice.

"Jo? What are you doing sitting outside of Hope's door?" Lizzie asks. "She won't talk to me" Josie says and Lizzie starts banging on the door. "MIKAELSON ARE YOU REALLY THAT HURT FROM A FEW WORDS THAT JOSIE SAID THAT YOU WON'T TALK TO HER!?" I lose my patience and open the door and Lizzie sees me crying. "Seriously Mikaelson do you really get butt hurt-" Lizzie says but I cut her off. "THAT'S NOT WHY LIZZIE, she kissed Penelope" I say and Lizzie looks shocked and looks at Josie disappointed.

"You did what?" Lizzie asks disappointed. "You don't even know if I kissed her back Hope!" Josie says as she gets up. She's right. I don't know. "Well did you?" I ask her and Josie doesn't say anything and just looks at the ground, Lizzie then leaves us alone. "Yeah, that's what I figured" I say and try to close the door but Josie stops it.

"Hope, let me explain" Josie says and I open the door and see her face. "I'm sorry Hope, she just said all these things, a-and, I don't know I was just in the moment" I can't believe her, she was in the moment!?

"Sure, you were 'in the moment' but did you even think about me? How you thought I would feel? Hm, did you? I don't think you did, and if we're being honest, when I saw you guys kiss, it broke my heart in two, it shattered into a million pieces, it shattered as if it could never be put back together again" I say with tears rolling down mine and Josie's face.

"It's hard you know Jo? Cause that kiss keeps replaying in my head over and over again, and the worst thing about it is that my nightmare, keeps replaying too, where it has you dying, over and over again" I say again with more tears falling down my face. "I'm sorry Hope that she kissed me, and I'm sorry that I wasn't thinking about you in that moment, and I'm sorry that I kissed her back even for a second! Hell! I'm sorry for all the things I did to hurt you today! But I am not sorry that I'm in love with you!"

Ouch, this was kind of a sad chapter, don't worry I just wanted things to be a little dramatic and sad, but it will go back to normal soon guys. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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