"Never. Speak. Of. My. Father. Like. That"

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Hope's POV-

I dragged Rebekah inside and realized that I haven't eaten yet.

"Auntie Bex I haven't eaten breakfast yet so.." I say and she nods. "Sure darling, I'll talk to your headmaster, come to me when your done" Aunt Rebekah says and I nod and smile and hug her quickly.

I then head inside and grab breakfast and I look over and see a girl sitting next to Josie. Me and Josie almost made eye contact but it looks like she's looking at something else. Jealously built up in my stomach as I watched the girl and Josie sit next to each other as I was squeezing my tray out of anger and clenching my knuckles.

I was about to shatter my tray into a million pieces until I felt someone grab my arm.

I look up and see Lizzie and she sends me a look and I nod. I put my trey down and Lizzie drags me out of the cafeteria by my arm.

Once we stepped out of the cafeteria I yanked my arm away and she turned around with her arms crossed and sends me a glare.

"What?" I say and she rolls her eyes. "You know what! Your jealous!" Lizzie says and I roll my eyes and scoff. "I am not!" I say in defense.

"You so are, and it's okay to be jealous, you guys broke up, it's normal, it's not like you guys wanted to break up, you had to" Lizzie says and my eyes look to the ground.

"It's okay Hope" Lizzie says and I look up at her. "Who is it?" I say and Lizzie is confused for a moment. "The girl, who is, you know" I say and she realizes.

"It's Jade" Lizzie says and I widen my eyes in shock. "J-Jade? Jade who is literally in love with Josie Jade?" I say as my heart beats faster.

"Don't worry Hope, I know Jo, she wouldn't go for Jade, she's still completely in love with you" Lizzie says.

I nod slowly. "Come on lets just go and eat, in peace, and don't pick a fight with her" Lizzie says and I nod and we go back inside and I grab my tray again and fill it with food and Lizzie sits next to Mg again and I sit next to her as Jade and Josie are across from us.

Josie's POV-

I hear the door open and see Hope come in and I look at her grab a tray until she looks in my direction and I look away so we don't make eye contact.

I turn back around and see Lizzie looking behind me when all of a sudden she gets up and walks over to where where she was staring at but I didn't really care to see where she was going.

I turn around and see Lizzie leave the room with Hope and turn and look at Mg.

"Mg, would you mind? I just wanna make sure, that, you know" I say and he nods and Jade speaks up. "I can do it instead, if you want" Jade says smiling and I smile awkwardly.

"Uh thanks but no thanks Jade" I say awkwardly turn over to Mg but he doesn't say anything and just looks at the door and I turn and see Lizzie and Hope already walk back in.

Hope grabbed her food and Lizzie sat next to Mg again and Hope sits next to her this time.

I look down and play with my food as we all sit in silence. Then we hear the door open again and we turn around and see a blonde walk into the room and she's familiar.

It's Hope's aunt, whispers and murmurs go around the cafeteria as the blonde Mikaelson walks over to Hope.

"Auntie Bex, what are you doing? I thought you were talking to Dr. Saltzman?" Hope asks confused as to why her aunt is here as she turned around to face her.

Hope's POV-

Aunt Rebekah walked in and walked over to me. I asked what she was doing here because she was talking to Dr. Saltzman.

"Well I was, then I got bored, so I left, if I didn't leave any sooner I was going to throw him over the dock" Aunt Rebekah says and I let out a small laugh when I hear Jade whisper something under her breath.

"My god, another Mikaelson?" Jade whispers and I slowly turn around and send her a glare and clench my jaw.

"I'm sorry?" I say and place my elbows on the table. "I didn't say anything" Jade says and takes a bite of her sandwich and I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm not stupid Jade, so do not treat me like I am" I say and she looks up at me. "Is that a threat?" She asks and I give her a death glare as my eyes give out a hint of yellow.

"Easy darling" Aunt Rebekah says which makes my eyes go back to normal but I still make eye contact with Jade.

"Yeah, easy doggy, don't want to turn into a murder like your father" Jade says as she smirks which makes me go over the edge and I slam my hands on the table and stand up and get closer to her face as I stare straight into her eyes as mine glowed.

"Never. Speak. Of. My. Father. Like. That" I say and Josie looks at me. "Hope calm down" Josie says and I look at her. "Then tell your little vampire to back the hell off" I say coldy and walk off with my Aunt Rebekah about to follow me when she stops in front of Jade.

"Say another word like that about my brother, and I will make you suffer for eternity" Aunt Rebekah whispers in her ear as she walks away and follows me outside as I hit a punching bag that's hung against a tree.

"Are you alright darling?" Aunt Rebekah asks me and I punch the punching bag then turn around and look at her. "Let's just say I've been better" I say and punch the bag again.

I then hear footsteps approach me and my aunt Rebekah and I already know who it is and I let out a long sigh.

"Hey..." the voice says as I turn around and see Josie. "Aunt Bekah, can you give us a minute" I say and she nods and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Sure darling, be nice" She says the last part whispering in my ear and I nod as she walks away and I turn to Josie.

"Need something?" I say and turn around and punch the bag again but harder this time.

"When did you become so mean? I remember the sweet girl you were, the girl who made me laugh, the girl who loved me, the girl I loved" Josie says and I turn around and look at her.

"Things change after you lose the girl of your dreams, the love of your life, your everything or whatever you want to call it, but I have never, changed when it came to my parents being brought up" I say.

Josie scoffs. "Hey your the one who ended it remember?" Josie says and I scoff. "Yeah only because SOME DUMBASS WITCHES COULDN'T LEAVE YOU ALONE" I yell looking up at the sky.

"There was another option" Josie says and I roll my eyes. "There was no other option" I say and punch the punching bag off of the string as it flies through the forest.

I turn around and walk past Josie.

Ouch, sorry I haven't posted in a while! I'll try to post more but I also wanna ask you guys if you like my Nora story I'm also doing. If you guys haven't read it yet go read it and let me know if you like it! Anyways, have a good day/night!

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