"A thousand percent"

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Josie's POV-

After me and Hope went back to her dorm she sat down on her bed next to me and she leaned down and closed her eyes while laying down on her bed. Should I ask her if she would get back with Landon? I have to know. "W-would you l-leave me to get back with L-landon?" I say as I stuttered. I felt tears in my eyes forming but I try to hide them. I see Hope's eyes shoot open and she sits up from her bed. "Jo, why would you ever think that?" I didn't even notice that I was crying until Hope wiped away a tear from my face. "Because, I-I know that you are with me and everything, but you love him and-" Before I was able to continue Hope cut me off. "Loved him, I loved him, I used to love him, not anymore though, you are my girlfriend, you" Hope said as she kept rubbing her thumb over my cheek.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly. "A thousand percent" Hope said and I smiled and looked down at her bed as I blushed a little bit. Hope puts her fingers under my chin which forces me to look at her. "You are mine, and I am yours, always and forever" I smiled at her then kissed her slowly. It was slow and passionate. After me and Hope pulled away for air she looked at me. "Does that show it enough? You know what, to show it even more, I'm taking you on a date, on Friday night, if you're free that is" I smiled at her. She was so cute trying to plan stuff for us.

"I am free that night, I will expect to see you on Friday night" She smiled at me and she kissed me again. "Okay, now you have to pretend to take me out to a place so Landon is not suspicious of us, no one knows about us except for Lizzie, and I told her not to tell anyone else" Hope nodded her head a smiled. All of a sudden we hear a noise at the front of her room. All of a sudden we see Freya appear.

"Aunt Freya? What's up?" Hope said as she got up and hugged her aunt. "Just checking in, you haven't called me in a while so I wanted to check in, who's that?" Freya said as she looked over to me. "Uh, she's a friend of mine" Freya looked down at Hope. "Are you sure?" Hope rolled her eyes. "Yes aunt Freya, bye now" Freya then disappeared from the room. 

I felt sad that Hope called me a friend of hers. But people don't know about us. And she was trying to keep it that why. "Sorry, I just haven't talked to her in a while" I nod my head and look down. "You okay?" Hope asks me as I look up at her. "Yeah, I'm fine, promise" She nods her head and smiles. "Okay come on, follow me, I want to take you somewhere" Hope says as she gets up and holds her hand out and I take it and smile big. Hope takes me out of the school and we walk through the woods.

"Hope where are we going?" Hope keeps walking while dragging me along with her. "Were almost there don't worry" I roll my eyes as we keep walking through the woods until I kind of start to recognize it. "Omg I think I know where we are going!" I say super excited as I know where Hope is starting to take me. "Finally, I was wondering when you would realize it" I hit her arm and she laughs. "Ow" She makes a fake hurt face as I roll my eyes but smile at her. 

Hope's POV-

I decided to take Josie to the place where we had our first kiss, kind of. "You ready?" I say as I look at her as we almost get there. "Yes!" I smile at her as we finally arrive at the lake I took her to. "But Hope we don't have out swim suits" "I know" She looks at me confused. I then run at her and push her in the lake. "Ahhhhh Hope!!" After a second I heard a splash. I chuckle to myself as I look down. "Josie? Josie, Josie!" I yell from the top of the cliff. I kind of started to get worried as I didn't see her rise. I would be able to see her since I'm at the top, but I don't. I went down the side of the cliff and looked at the water and still didn't see her.

"Josie! Josie I swear if this is a joke, I fell for it okay! I got scared! You can come out now!" I said while yelling hoping that she would just stop this joke. When all of a sudden I heard screaming and I recognized it. Josie. It from the other side of the lake. I ran to the other side as fast as possible and saw Josie cut and bloody and pushed up against a tree by a female. "H-hope, n-no, get o-out of here" Josie said as the female turned around and looked at me. "Oh why hello there Hope Mikaelson, what brings you here?" I clenched my fist as I looked at Josie all hurt, weak, and bloody. "Let her go, what do you want" The female looks at Josie then back at me.

"Two things, I won't let her go, and I want revenge" This didn't make any sense, why would she want revenge on Josie? She is the sweetest person in the world. "I want revenge on your father to be exact, hurt Josie, that hurts you, which hurts your father, its simple really" I got angry and attacked her. I ran at her with my werewolf eyes but she threw me against a tree. I groan at the pain in my back. "Hope!" Josie yelled when I hit the ground. "Sorry manners, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Aurora, I knew your dad, and he didn't choose me!" I heard the girl say as she ran at me and punched me. I then reached into my pocket and felt something. It was the emergency glare that Lizzie gave to me just in case if something bad happened. I pulled it out of my pocket and shot it into the sky.

"What the hell was that?" Aurora asked me. "Backup" I say as I get back up and kick Aurora and I snap her neck. I run over to Josie and help her up. I gave her some of my blood so she would heal, and thankfully she did. I wrap my arm around her back and my other arm around her legs and I pick her up and carry her to the front of the school.

Josie's POV-

Me and Hope finally arrived at the lake and I realized that we didn't have our bathing suits and just as I realize it Hope pushes me into the lake. "Ahhhh Hope!!" I say right before I hit the water. As I was about to rise I felt something grab me under the water. I tried to swim away from it but couldn't I feel them pull me out of the water and they pin me against a tree. I open my eyes and see a red haired female. "Who are you?" I ask. "Don't worry about it, now, I want you to scream for your girlfriend" I was confused. "Why?" She rolls her eyes. "So I can kill her" I wasn't going to let that happen. "No, I refuse to put her in danger" "Then I'll make you" She stabbed me with a knife as I screamed in pain. Shit. Now Hope will hear and come.

After a few seconds I saw Hope there. "H-hope n-no, get o-out of here" I say weakly. "Why hello there Hope Mikaelson, what brings you here?" I didn't know what to do."Let her go, what do you want" I saw the red haired girl look at Hope. "Two things, I won't let her go, and I want revenge" I was wondering who she wants revenge on? Me? When I heard my question get answered. "I want revenge on your father to be exact, hurt Josie, that hurts you, which hurts your father, its simple really" Before I know it Hope runs at the girl and attacked her but she threw Hope against a tree. "Hope!" I yelled when she hit the ground. It hurt me to see her in pain.

The girl then introduced herself, her name was Aurora, she was saying stuff about how Hope's dad didn't choose her, I'm guessing she's an old lover. I then saw her punch Hope, it hurt me even more. I then saw Hope reach into her pocket and pull out a glare. I recognize it. It's the one Lizzie gave to her in case of emergency, Hope then shot it into the air.

"What the hell was that?" Aurora asked Hope confused and angry as to what she did. "Backup" Hope said smiling who then kicked Aurora and snapped her neck. Hope then ran over to me and found the knife Aurora had and cut her wrist. She then fed me her blood and healed me. My cuts were healed. Hope then wrapped one of her arms around my back and her other around my legs and picked me up and carried me back to the school.

"Hope are you okay?" I ask her when she puts me down at the front of the school. "Yeah, are you? I'm so sorry I pushed you in Josie, I shouldn't have done that" I then wrap my arms around her. "It's okay, I forgive you" I whisper into her ear when I see Lizzie, dad, Mg, Rafael, and Landon come out. "What happened?! I saw the glare Hope" Lizzie said turning to Hope.

"Let's just say an old enemy from my dad's past came, will you take care of Josie, I have some unfinished business to do" I knew what Hope was gonna do, and I didn't like it. "Please don't tell me that you are going back out there Hope!?" I kind of shout and everyone looks at me. "I'm just saying it's dangerous" Hope looks at me. "Jo, Aurora is, dangerous to everyone, I'm not letting her win this fight, so I'm gonna go kill her weather you like it or not" I roll my eyes at her. I really didn't want her to go. "Okay you guys take care of Josie I'll be back" Before anyone can say anything else Hope runs off back to where Aurora was.

Hope's POV-

I took Josie back to the school and left her with everyone else before they could try to stop me from killing Aurora. I finally get back to the area where I snapped Aurora's neck. I saw she wasn't there anymore. Before I can do anything Aurora pins me against a tree. "Hello sweetie" I felt her hand bust into my chest and she grabbed ahold of my heart. Before I know it everything goes black.

Dun dun dunnn, what happened to Hope? I guess you'll have to wait till the next chapter. Also I wanted to thank you guys for 800 reads already!! Thank you all so much for this I never thought that I would get this far so thank you guys again!! Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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