Chapter 52

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*Before Hope was kidnapped*

Josie's POV-

I was looking all over for Hope. I couldn't find her though.

It made me worry so so much more since I couldn't find her after what happened between her and my dad.

It's been two days.


I've been looking around everywhere for her ever since I got up and had that talk with Lizzie and I still can't find her and it worries me a lot.

I then randomly walked over to Hope's room and just closed the door lightly behind me as I take a deep breath inhaling Hope's smell all around the room and I smile to myself.

I go over to her desk and look at all of her things as I randomly reach for the necklace Hope have me on my 16th birthday.

Just then I saw something out of the corner of my eye outside of her window which was showing the garden and I looked closer to it to see blood in the grass.

I started to slowly panic as I ran out of Hope's room and ran down to the garden and saw a knife and blood along the grass and I quickly picked them up and ran inside into the kitchen to see blood on the counter snd counter tops as well.

I started to have a panic attack until my phone rang once and I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Hope and I wasted no time in answering the call.

"HOPE?! WHERE ARE YOU? Are you okay?! What's going on Hope?!" I say panicking even more until I hear Hope's voice through the phone  as I start to hyperventilate until I calm down.

Hope tells me that she's fine and that she needs blood and I just said okay as I grabbed a blood bag that had real human blood in it and I grabbed an extra just in case.

I grabbed the car keys and ran outside and into my car as I then started driving off to go find Hope.

My phone then dinged and it was Hope sending me her location.

She was 53 miles away?! Okay it's fine I don't care how far I have to travel. I just need her right now.

It's been two days and I feel like I'm about to die without her.

I then step on the gas as I start to approach quicker and quicker by the minute.

*30 minutes later*

After I pretty much sped over the speed limit. I finally made it here after 30 minutes.

I saw this abandoned house and I figured that that was where Hope was so I grabbed my phone and the two blood bags as I ran towards the house.

"Hope?" I say as I here a groan along with a chuckle.

"Jo..? Is that you?" I can hear Hope's dry voice say until I run into the house and see her laying against a wall coughing and sweating.

"Hey... it's me, I'm here, you're okay, you're okay now" I say sitting down next to her and giving her the blood bags as she starts to drink out of them and regain the color of her skin back.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask stroking her hair softly as she slowly nods and rests her head on my shoulder as she opens the second blood bag after tossing the first one away from her.

She slowly drinks out of the second blood bag normally she lifts up her head and I rest my head on her shoulder this time.

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