Chapter 50

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*Previously on You are mine*

I also leave my room shortly after to see something happening that made my heart break.

Hope's POV-

When I went outside the sight that was in front of me broke my heart.

It was Josie.

It was Josie, but she was hurt, she had blood all over her body along with cuts and bruises everywhere.

I wasted no time in rushing over to her and putting her head into my lap as tears were in my eyes as I kept wondering as to who would do such a thing to Josie?

A sweet little innocent girl who did nothing wrong and never hurt anyone.

"Hope..." Josie said as her voice was soft and weak as I just stroked her hair gently trying to make her feel better.

I looked over and saw a knife on the ground and looked back towards Josie to see her also looking at it and I start to speak to the brunette twin.

"Is that what the person who hurt you used?" I ask softly trying to make her feel better somehow. I felt so stupid as to why I was even trying. She was hurt. How in the hell could I make her feel better?!

She slowly nodded her head slowly as I bit into my wrist and held it up to her mouth hinting for her to drink from my wrist so she would heal and be okay.

That was until she shook her head no and I looked at her confused.

"I-I cant... I-I don't wanna risk becoming a vampire.." She says hesitantly and I was confused for a second but quickly hid it as I just nodded my head and stroked her hair more as I also brushed my hand over her cuts and scars that were on her body.

Why does she care now about becoming a vampire? I mean I don't want her to turn into one obviously but she was so willing to become one why stop now? Maybe she was just wanting to be one for me when she never wanted to be one. If that's the case I'm glad I found a way to save her because otherwise she would probably be something that she didn't wanna be right now.

"Come on, let's get you healed up, and we can use that knife for a locator spell to find whoever the hell did this to you" I say getting up while helping her get up as well.

"Um I don't think it's worth trying to do that, I'm pretty sure that they probably cloaked themselves so you won't be able to find them anyways" Josie says and I was very confused as to why she didn't even wanna try to find the person who did this to her.

"Well it's worth trying, I'm not letting them get away with this Jo" I say and I go to grab the knife until Josie grabs my arm a little firmly.

"Don't do that, I don't even care Hope, it doesn't matter anymore, I'm fine" Hope says and I look at her and cross my arms.

"Okay what is happening? Why are you acting like this?" I ask and Josie just shrugs.

"It's nothing Hope, let's just go inside and forget it ever happened, okay? I don't care let's just go inside" Josie says and I noticed that there were no longer any cuts along Josie's body to see that they have now healed.

What the hell was going on with her right now? How was she healing so easily and why did she not care about whoever just almost killed her or hurt her right now.

"Are you okay Jo? Is everything alright?" I ask slowly approaching her and slowly stroking my hand against her arm as I slowly think to myself about what could be going on with Josie right now.

Could she be compelled right now? I really hope not because I don't want her to get hurt at all and I just want to make sure that she was okay.

"Um yeah, my memory is just a little bit foggy right now I'm sorry Hope" Josie says and I was a little bit confused considering she would usually call me 'baby' or 'babe' but I just shrugged it off.

"Okay, well let's go inside" I say letting the question I had about her cuts healing just slide off as we walk inside and I take her to the kitchen as it was only us as we walked into the room.

I see Josie sit at the counter as I dig into the cabinet to find some bandages for the extra cuts that were left over on Josie's body that haven't seemed to have magically healed yet.

As I was digging into the cabinet I feel a sharp pain in my back as I slowly turn around and see a stake into my back which hit my heart as I look back and see Josie smirking as she lets go of the stake that she had just shoved into my heart as everything goes black.

Heyyyy guysss! Sorry for the even bigger cliffhanger on this chapter and also sorry that this one was shorter but it had to be short for this! What do you guys think is happening to Josie and why she would do this to Hope, or is it really Josie...? Just wait till the next chapter and I hope you guys have an amazing day/night! 

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