"Uh Jo, I can't breathe"

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Lizzie's POV-

It had been 4 days ever since Hope had died. We were still waiting for her to wake up and Josie was spiraling. She didn't know what to do and she was freaking out how Hope wasn't waking up. I felt bad for my sister and Hope. I think me and dad are the only ones who know about them but I'm surprised how no one else knows because they are super obvious.

She didn't leave Hope's side while the rest of us came to check up on Hope and Josie every once in a while. I was hanging out in mine and Josie's room when I decided to check on her and Hope. She hadn't slept for days. I walked to Hope's room where Josie was and walked in and saw Josie in the same spot that she's been in for days.

"Jo maybe you should get some rest" I saw softly so she knew I was there. She turns her head and looks at me and she shakes her head no then turns back to Hope and whispers something to her, I couldn't make out what she said.

"Jo..." I say hoping that she would just listen and get some rest but she turns her head towards me and stands up.

"Why won't she wake up!?" She says with anger and I don't want to be harsh. "I don't know Jo, she'll wake up soon, just give her time" I say softly. Josie keeps shouting her anger out and I let her. She needs this. Just as Josie finishes shouting we hear a loud gasp and we look over and see that Hope shot up from the bed panting hard.

Josie's POV-

I saw that Hope was up. My heart was filled with warmth and happiness again as I saw Hope's eyes interlock with mine. "Hope" I say then I immediately hug her tightly and I never want to let go. "Uh Jo, I can't breathe" She says as I let her go. "Sorry" She smiles at me then cups my face and kisses me passionately.

"Uh hello, I'm still here you know" I hear Lizzie say from behind and I look at her and smile. "Good to see you to Lizzie" Hope says sarcastically. "Good to see you back from the dead Hope" I look at Lizzie and give her a glare. "Lizzie!" I say and she rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone" I roll my eyes at her as she leaves and I turn back to Hope and smile.

"Hi" I say with a smile on my face. "Hi" Hope says softly and cups my face again then kisses me again. "Josie" She says and I pull away from her. "Yeah?" I ask her softly. "Um, i-is there blood?" I nod my head I look over to the side table and grab the blood back and hand it to Hope.

She immediately takes it and starts drinking from it. I see the vampire veins form under her eyes as she starts drinking the blood. She finishes it quickly and she closes her eyes for a minute. "Hope, you alright?" I say as she opens her eyes and looks at me. "Uh yeah, just trying to process that I am now a vampire" I then playfully slap her arm. "Ow what was that for? I come back from the dead and you hit me" I sit down next to her.

"I told you not to go after Aurora, do you see what happened because you did" "Yeah but she hurt you, and I hated that and I wanted revenge, and now that I'm a full tribrid, she won't be able to beat me when I go after her" My eyes widen in shock. She was going after her? Again? Seriously.

"Are you kidding me? Your going after her again? After you literally died!?" I say with small anger in my voice and she cups my face. "She can't kill me now though, and I'm stronger than her" I look down and Hope grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. "It'll be good, trust me, she deserves it" I smile at her. I can't be mad at her, she's way to cute.

"Your lucky your cute, and hot" I didn't even mean to say the last part, it just slipped out. I see Hope smirk at me and she kisses me. I then feel her tongue come across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I give her. Our kiss starts to get heated and her hands are on my waist and my hands on on her neck which move down to her shoulders which makes me push her on the bed. I remove my lips from her and mine make contact with her neck. I then move down to her stomach and start kissing along her toned stomach as she lets out slight moans. We decide to stop before things get out of hand.

"Come on, let's go tell everyone I'm alive" Hope says and I smile at her and give her a peck. "Okay, have I told you how happy I am that your back" I say and she smiles. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I heard you, I'm sorry that I hurt you by not being here for you" I didn't even realize that I was crying until Hope wiped away one of my tears that fell. "Don't cry Jo, I'm here, I'm right here, and I'm not leaving, not for a very very long time, I promise" I smile while tears still come down my eyes and I kiss her passionately again.

I love this girl, I know that it might be to early for me to be saying that, but I do, I really love her more than anything, I don't want to tell her cause she might thing that it's to early. I love her so much, more than anything. I think to myself as I pull away from our kiss.

"Okay, now let's go tell people that your back then we can spend more time together" I say as I smile at her and she nods. "Okay, come on, I could use some more blood too" I then nod my head and we walk outside her room and head to dad's office.

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie left my room and we headed to Dr. Saltzman's office. We kept walking to Dr. Saltzman's office when we finally arrived. I decided to knock instead of barging in. "Come in!" I hear him say from the other side of the door.

Me and Josie walk in when I see my family talking to Dr. Saltzman.

Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't posted in a few days I was busy at a friends house and with other stuff. Also guys we hit 1k reads!! Thank you all so much and I love you all and I can't believe that we already hit 1k reads! Thank you guys again. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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