Chapter 42

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Josie's POV-

The next morning I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the curtains and onto my face. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my own room.

Soon I realized I was in Hope's room until o turned over and saw her leaning on her elbow just looking at me smiling.

It scared me a little bit to just see her laying there and I smile at her and I grab a strand of her auburn hair and put it behind her ear and give her a small smile.

"Hi" Hope gives me a smile while her hand leads up to my face as she gently strokes and caresses my face and I lean into her touch.

It will never make sense to me how she can be so hot and gentle and sweet at the same time.

"I love you baby" Hope says smiling and I return it.

"I love you too" I say and I lean in and she meets me half way and our lips connects.

I can't help but smile into the kiss as I can feel Hope does as well.

"Why'd you smile?" Hope says and I laugh.

"Says you, you did the same" I say smiling and Hope just laughs and gives me a small peck on the lips before getting up.

"Ughhh nooo let's just stay in bed all day" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her back onto the bed where she just flips done on the bed turning towards me.

"It's Saturday baby, can't we just stay here all day pleaseee? It's literally 7:30AM" I say sounding surprised that I actually woke up this early on a Saturday.

"I know princess, but hold on let me just check something" She says smirking and I can't help but smile at her nickname.

I think back to when she used to call me that but then we broke up so she stopped. I quickly shake the thought out of my head as I look up at Hope and see her looking worriedly but also angry at her phone.

"Baby? What's wrong?" I ask in a soft gentle tone as I grab her arm softly and Hope quickly looks up at me.

"U-um, it's L-Landon" She says and I can feel my heart drop as sadness mixed with jealousy and anger builds up in me.

Hope's POV-

I got out of bed and looked at my phone as Josie was just laying back on the bed with her soft, shiny, silky brown hair is spread along the sheets and pillow cases smiling over at me.

I looked at my phone and my smile immediately left my face as I see a text from Landon.

Hey Hope, I really wanna get back together because I saw you the other day and you looked really hot and I realized what I lost. Just meet me in the middle of the woods tonight, 9PM, see you there baby ;)

I feel anger rise up in me as I read the text and clench my fists. Is he kidding? Hell no, I'm Josie's girl and she's my girl, and he won't break that.

Josie sees my worried but also angry state as she grabs my arm gently and speaks in a soft voice.

"Baby? What's wrong?" She asks softly and I slowly look down at my phone as I look up at her again.

"U-um it's L-Landon" I was as I stutter out and see Josie's worried face suddenly turns into anger, sadness, and jealousy.

"What does it say?" Josie says through her gritted teeth and I just show her the text message not even wanting to read it out loud at all.

I can feel her pull her hand away from my arm as she turns around, her back facing me, and I look down and see her clenching her firsts.

"Are you gonna l-leave me? F-for him? To get
b-back together with him?" I can hear Josie say while her voice cracks multiple times as her back still faces me and I can see her fists slowly unclench.

"What!? No no no no no no! No baby I love you! You and only you" I say throwing my phone on the bed and facing her towards me to see tears in her eyes and rolling down her face as she looks down.

"A-are you sure?" She asks still looking at the floor and I grab her by the chin with one finger and force her to look at me as she looks at me with her soft but hurtful brown eyes.

"Yes baby, I'm sure, you are the only girl, no, the only person, I ever want to be with, and I am a billion percent sure about that princess" I say and she smiles at me as I pull her into a hug while I gently stroke her hair.

"I love you to much to ever let you go or leave you" I say and she just hugs me tighter as if I was gonna leave forever if she let go.

"I'll never leave you, especially not for a guy who broke my heart, but you put it back together Jo, okay? You" I say pulling away and Josie just smiles as she digs her head into the crook of my neck.

"Are you gonna go see him?" I hear her say muffled into my neck and shirt.

"Do you want me to?" I ask softly as I pull away and lay down on the bed and Josie does as well but cuddles closely to me.

"If I'm gonna be honest.. no not really but I can't control what you do, I just don't know what he's gonna try to pull" Josie says while she just buries her face into my shirt and I sink down to her level so were face to face.

"Even if he does try to pull something, I'm a tribrid now, so he can't even beat me, don't worry princess, and I think I'll just go just to see what he wants, you can even come with if you want, just stay behind the tree while I see what he wants" I say and Josie shakes her head.

"No it's okay, I trust you, just go tonight and see what he wants, if he tries something though I'm gonna beat his ass" She says rolling over and I chuckle as I wrap my arms around her and bury my head into her neck and I smirk as I can feel Josie get goosebumps on her neck.

We laid in that position for maybe like 15 minutes until I get a call on my phone.

I groan as I get up and look at the caller ID and turn to Josie showing her who it is.

"Landon" She says and groans as she throws herself back onto the pillows again and o let out a big sigh and answer the phone hesitantly.

"What the hell do you want Landon?" I say in a snarky tone.

"I want to see you, why don't you come to my room and we can have a little... fun" He says and I turn back to Josie and see her clenching her jaw and fists.

She probably used a spell to listen in on my conversation but I also can't help but feel disgusted by Landon until I see a smirk come across Josie's face.

"Hope, baby, come back to bed" Josie says in a seductive tone with a little moan at the end and I can't help but smirk as well and Landon stutters before he tries to say something but I just interrupt him.

"Sorry Landon, I'm already having some fun with my girl, see you later Landon" I say and hang up and crawl back into bed with Josie and she just smirks at me.

We just sit in a comfortable silence until I look over at the clock and see that it's 8:30AM and I look towards Josie and she nods already knowing what I'm thinking.

"Hungry?" I ask getting up and she nods and I just throw on a Salvatore School hoodie and sweatpants in the bathroom and give some to Josie as I exist the bathroom.

She goes into the bathroom and also changes and when she exists I notice I gave her a matching pair of my sweatpants and hoodie.

I blush as me and Josie entwine our hands together and we walk out of my room and head down to the cafeteria.

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