"Josie, can we talk? Please?"

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Past Chapter:

Before I could control myself I lean in...

Hope's POV-

Me and Josie were sitting at the edge of the lake and we had stared at each other for a minute. Before I know it I see Josie lean in and kiss me. I didn't know how to react. She pulls away and looks at me realizing that she just kissed me and I didn't do anything. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do.

"I-I-I'm sorry" Josie then gets up and runs away and by the time I get out of whatever trance I was in it was to late. She was gone.

Josie's POV-

I just kissed Hope, I didn't mean to but I did. She didn't kiss me back. I'm such an idiot, how could she possibly have feelings for me. I ran back to the school and went into my dorm room and slammed the door and my legs couldn't take it anymore. I slid down the door with my back to it while crying. How could I actually think that Hope has feelings for me. I screwed everything up. Everything is done. It's gone. And I messed it up.

After a little bit I hear a knock on my door and I go and answer it and see Lizzie standing there. "Hey Jo, is everything okay? I saw you come in here crying" I wasn't able to get any words out so I just nod my head at her. "Tell me what happened" I think about it for a second then I decide to let Lizzie in and we go and sit down on my bed. "So basically I started having feelings for Hope again, and I didn't know weather or not she did and she took us out to this lake and before that she turned into a wolf and she let me ride on her back and it was just so much fun and I really really like her Lizzie and I kissed her and she didn't kiss me back so I don't really know anymore.

"Well maybe there's a reason as to why she didn't kiss you back" I think about it for a second. "You think?" Lizzie nods her head. "Now go get your girl" I smile at Lizzie then I leave to go find Hope and I accidentally bump into someone in the hallway. I just wanted to find Hope so I didn't even look at the person and me and the person said sorry at the same time when I recognized that person's sweet voice. Hope. I looked up and met with Hope's blue eyes.

"Hope" Hope looks at me. "Josie, can we talk? Please?" I nod at her and we go into her dorm room and sit on her bed and we both look at each other in silence until Hope breaks it. "Josie I'm sorry, I really am, I ran into Lizzie earlier and she told me you were crying.... I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, Josie, I didn't kiss you back because I was shocked, I didn't know how to react. And I was thinking about it then when I snapped out of it, you were already gone" I look into her blue eyes and I feel sorry to make her think that she hurt me when she was just surprised by it. "Hope it's okay, I'm sorry for making you think that you hurt me" She smiles at me and I feel happy that we made up but. I still wonder how she felt about me.

"I do have another thing to tell you, I um, I have feelings for you, I like you, I think that deep down I always have, I just feel so stupid for not realizing it before" My heart flutters when I hear this. Hope Mikaelson likes me. I feel great. I feel happy. "I like you to Hope, and that was pretty obvious from when I kissed you earlier" Hope gives a small chuckle at that than we both look at each other again and stare into each others eyes. This time me and Hope both lean in and kiss each other. My stomach started doing flips over and over again as mine and Hope's lips touched. Me and Hope pulled away when we needed air. I stare into her eyes again.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Hope asks me. Having another movie night with Hope? I wanted to, so I nodded my head at her. "Come on, let's get comfy" Hope says as she starts getting under the covers and pulls me along with her. "Hope! Ahh" I say as Hope pulls me under the blankets and kisses me. "What? It's just for fun, now now, don't be a little witch wuss" I laugh at her. She's so cute. "Hey I'm not a witch wuss!" I say with a fake hurt look on my face and turn my back against Hope. "Josie, come on, you know you can't stay mad at me" I can already see herself smirking and I turn around and look back at her. "You know me too well" We both laugh and kiss each other again then we get comfy and start cuddling and me and Hope started watching our movie.

Hope's POV-

I spilled my guts to Josie on how I liked her and everything, after we both said our feelings for each other we kissed. I was so happy that this was finally happening after so long. Me and Josie decided to have a movie night and we picked a movie then started cuddling. Every few minutes me and Josie would make out here and there. I felt happy with Josie. She made me feel happy. I felt more alive than ever when I was with her. She was amazing.

It's about time! Hosie has finally happened! I hope that you guys are happy that they are together now and if you guys have any ideas then let me know. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you have a great day/night!

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