"Now who's playing hard to get?"

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Josie's POV-

The next morning I can feel the sunlight hitting my face through the curtains. I look around and realize that I'm in Hope's room and I checked my phone and saw that it was 7:30am.

Should I wake Hope up? Yeah I should, breakfast is in 30 minutes and we have to get ready and everything. I think to myself as I was about to wake Hope up I heard her whimpering. What the hell. She might be having a nightmare.

I shake Hope's shoulders and try to wake her up but she won't budge. "Hope, Hope, Hope!" I say as I keep trying to wake her up but she's still asleep. "No! No! Leave her alone! Please!" I heard her scream as I see tears come down her face. I panicked and went to her Freya's room. Hopefully she'll know what to do.

I run to Freya's room and I bump into Lizzie on the way. "Jo! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Lizzie asked me concerned as I was panicking. "I-I slept i-in Hope's room a-and she's having a nightmare and I-I can't wake her up" I say as I stutter as I kind of have a panic attack.

"Jo, Jo! Breathe, we'll help Hope? Okay? She'll be fine" Lizzie says as she hugs me and calms me down. "Come on let's go to Freya's room" I say and Lizzie nods and follows me to Freya's room and I knock quickly and loudly. I hear her groan and she gets up and opens the door but her face expression changes when she sees my panicked face.

"Josie, are you okay? Is Hope okay?" I nod my head no and tears start coming down my face. "She's having a nightmare and I can't get her out of it and Freya I don't know what to do" Freya nods and we go back to Hope's room and see her shirt drenched in sweat and she keeps screaming and she's crying.

Mom and dad and came into the room and saw Hope and we told them what happened. "Okay maybe I can get into her head and see what's going on, I need a vampire to do the head dive though, can someone get Kol or Rebekah" "Already here sister" We look over and see Kol and Rebekah and they also come inside the room.

"Okay come on we need to get in her head and try and convince her to wake up or something" Rebekah says and Freya nods. "Come on guys" Freya takes Kol and Rebekah's hand and starts chanting a spell then they are quiet. I guess that means that they are in Hope's head now.

Hope's POV-

I fell asleep and started dreaming. About my parents and uncle Elijah, and Josie. They all cornered me into a wall and started screaming at me. "It's your fault, it's all your fault, it's always your fault Hope!" Then the screaming stopped. I looked around and saw Josie. "Josie!" I run over to her and she's all bloody with a knife in her stomach. "Y-you should h-have stayed away f-from me since t-the beginning H-hope" "I'm sorry Josie!" I say while there are practically rivers pouring down my face. "Y-you made a p-promise to k-keep me safe, you didn't k-keep it" I then remember how I promised to Josie that I would protect her no matter what. "Josie I'm sorry! I should have listened to you and I'm sorry! Please don't leave me!" I say and I hear familiar voices. "Hello Hope, aren't you happy to see your dead mother again? Who's dead because of you" "I'm sorry just stop!" I scream. I look over and see Josie refreshed and not bloody anymore. J-Josie" "Oh well, shouldn't have promised something so fragile Hope, bye bye Josie" "No! No! Leave her alone! Please!" I say and my mother stabbed Josie. I kept crying and crying until there was no more left to cry. But it kept going. I then heard other finalist voices, and they weren't my parents or Josie or Uncle Elijah.

"Hope! Sweetie are you okay?" I look over and see my Aunt Freya, Aunt Rebekah, and Uncle Kol. "N-no! This is all apart of this! You're not real!" "Oh darling, this thing really has you messed up doesn't it?" Uncle Kol says to me. Or at least o think it's him. "Luv, it's us, nothing to worry about luv, we're real okay? This is all just a nightmare okay? Josie is safe, and back home, waiting for you" I then realize that their right. "Aunt Rebekah? Aunt Freya? Uncle Kol?" I say and run over and hug them. "Okay luv, we can say hi and hug each other later, but first you have to get back, to Josie" I nod my head and realize that nightmares are all about thinking that they are real, once you figure out that they aren't, you wake up. I focus and how this isn't real and next thing I know I shoot up from my bed panting hard.

Josie's POV-

We wait for a while after Freya, Rebekah, and Kol go into Hope's mind and we wait for about 10 minutes. Nothing. 20 minutes. Nothing. "Mom, dad?" I say softly. "Yes baby?" Mom asks me sweetly and softly. "Will this work?"

Before my mom can answer my question I see Hope shoot straight up from the bed panting hard. "Hope!" I say as I immediately wrap my arms around her. "Jo? A-are you okay?" She asks softly but also worried and scared. "Yes I'm fine Hope" I say as I wrap my arms around her tighter. "Hope are you alright?" My dad asks and she nods. We then see Freya, Rebekah, and Kol wake up as well and hug their niece.

"Okay guys come on give the girls space, let's go, Ric, give them the day off" My mom says and everyone nods and leaves the room so it's just me and Hope.

"You alright?" I ask her to be sure that she's fine. "Yeah Jo, I'm gonna take a shower, and we have the day off for today so we can find something to do after we eat, I'm just gonna shower first" Hope says and I nod as she goes into the bathroom and I hear the star running

*15 minutes later*

Hope comes out of the bathroom in a towel with her wet hair dangling off of the towel. I see myself staring at her and she catches me and I look away and blush. "What? You liked what you saw Saltzman?" She asks and I blush even more.

"Oh come on, you know you loved it" She says as she grabs my chin and I look at her and my eyes flicker down to her lips and I say that Hope's did too.

She leans in and kisses me. Every time I kiss her there's fireworks going on around me. And it happened again. It just felt right.

I felt Hope's tongue come across my lips but I wanted to play hard to get so I didn't let her in and she pulls away. "Playing hard to get uh? I see how it's gonna be" She says and smirks.

Hope's POV-

Josie as playing hard to get. I wanted her so bad right now. I decide to kiss down her neck and leave it with soft kisses. I found a new place and I sucked on Josie's pulse point which made her moan slightly. I sucked on it harder and she moaned more which gave me to chance to slip my tongue into her mouth. She wasn't able to stop me. She tried stopping my tongue by us fighting for dominance which I won. I could tell that she gave up and let my tongue roam all around her mouth and I started pushing her slightly on the bed when she flipped us over and she was on top. She started kissing down my neck then to my chest area and my I was gripping the pillow from behind me for support. She went back up to my lips and this time I let Josie take over. Her tongue was around my mouth.

I pulled away and she let out a pout. "Now who's playing hard to get?" She says and I laugh. "Babe, I don't know if we're ready, plus it would have gone to far, and I'm in a towel, now I'll get changed and we can go eat, deal?" I ask her and kiss her slightly and she puts her pout away.

"Okay fine, deal" She says and I smile. I grab some jeans and a green shirt and I get changed into it and curl my hair slightly and I'm the mean time Josie went and got ready herself. After me and josie finished getting ready she came back to my room.

"Hey, ready to go eat?" I ask her and she nods and smiles. "Yep" She smiles again and we leave to the cafeteria

I didn't know much to write in this chapter but I just really wanted to write another chapter for today. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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