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Hope's POV-

I just left my room with a smirk on my face after what I just did to Josie, I left to go to Dr. Saltzman's office and after I arrive I knock on his door.

"Come in!" I heard him say, I walked in and he looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked me with concern in his voice. "Yeah, Josie cheered me up" I smiled at the thought of Josie. "Uh also I'm here so we can defeat this monster that's coming" He nodded then grabbed a book.

"What's that for?" I asked him and he looked up from the book. "It's to find out what type of monster it is, would you mind going around to look for it? While I try to figure it out what it is" I nodded my head then left the school and was walking around to see if I heard or saw anything. After 5 minutes I heard some ruffling in the woods so I walked into the woods and walked around some more. Then out of no where I heard running behind me so I turned around and saw the monster running towards me, and fast. Before I could do anything the monster grabbed me by my throat choking me then threw me to the ground.

"Okay ow, that hurt" I then saw I dropped my phone and Dr. Saltzman was calling me, I quickly ran past the monster and grabbed my phone and answered the call. "Dr. Saltzman, I found the monster, do you know what it is yet!?" I yelled through the phone. "No not yet, maybe find a soft spot-" Before he could finish his sentence the monster grabbed me and threw me from my phone.

I ran at the monster and punched it and it fell to the ground. "Hurts doesn't it?" The monster closed its eyes and I stepped closer to get a closer look at it. The monster opened his eyes then grabbed me and threw me against a tree. "Ow okay that hurt a lot more" Before I could get up the monster put all of his hand weight on my neck which caused me to cough up blood. The monster then kept choking me against a tree when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hope!?!" I looked over and saw Josie standing there and the monster dropped me to the ground and went towards Josie then grabbed her before she could react. "NO JOSIE!" I quickly got up and ran towards the monster and kicked him then he dropped Josie and I quickly caught her. I looked at Josie then put her down and looked up and the monster hit me across the field and ran towards me but Josie had said something. "Incendia!" She lit the hair that was on the monsters head and it revealed one eye ball. I then grabbed a stick and threw it at the eye and stabbed it. The monster dropped to the floor. Dead.

"Hope! Are you okay!?" Josie yelled as she ran towards me. "Yeah, are you?" She helped me up and put my arm around her shoulder and her hand around my waist. "Of course I'm okay, come on let's get you back to the school" We took a few steps then I remembered I dropped my phone. "Wait my phone, I dropped it" Josie put me next to a tree and went back and found my phone then walked back. "Here, now let's go back and get you healed" She put my arm around her neck and her hand around my waist and we started walking again. "Josie it's just a few cuts a bruises, they'll heal in a little bit" We just kept walking then I remembered about our movie night we were supposed to have 30 minutes ago.

"We will still have our movie night" She looks at me as we still walk, "Are you sure?" I nodded at her.

Josie's POV-

Hope nodded at me telling me that she really wanted to have our movie night. I thought we should but I wanted her to be careful.

"I just need to set up the room into a movie theme so our movie night will be awesome" I then remembered that I had already set up her room. I hope that she likes it.

We finally arrive at the school and we walk to Hope's dorm and we walk inside. "Omg Jo, did you set this up?" I nodded at her as I carefully sat her down on the bed. "And you even got my pajamas for me! How sweet of you" I gave a small chuckle at her words. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go get some vaseline and bandaids for your cuts and everything. I leave her room and get everything I need then come back and see Hope sitting there waiting for me. I smile at her as she looks cute. I go over to her and sit on my knees in front of Hope and open the stuff I need as I can see her smiling at me.

"What's that smile for?" I say as I look up and I can see a small blush forming on her cheeks because she got caught. "Just because" I end up feeling a small blush creep up on me but I try to hide it. "Okay this might hurt a little bit" I place the vaseline on her cut and she makes a winching sound as the swab touches her skin. I feel bad for her but it's to help her. After about 10 minutes of healing her she was all good.

"Okay, your all set" She let's put a sigh of relief as I chuckle at her. "Thank you, nurse" I give a chuckle at her words and stand up and throw all the trash and wrappers away. "Okay, let's get this movie night started, come on, wait, you did get snacks right?" "Yes, yes I did" I could see a a wave of relief wash over her, "Good cause I was about to say if you didn't get snacks, then you have messed up problems my friend" Even though I wish she was more than a friend, wait what, okay I think it's official, I have feelings for Hope again, but this time their stronger, weird.

The hosie movie night is almost here!! Don't worry guys I won't make you wait too long, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you have a great day/night!

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