"Have you thought about it yet?"

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Josie's POV-

I didn't want Hope to do anything risky. She already passed out taking out the smaller dragon. Who knows what would happen to her trying to take down the bigger dragon.

"Hope you already took down the other dragon, you can't take this one down" I say and help her up as she almost falls but I quickly catch her before she does.

"The school will be in danger... I have to" Hope says while panting hardly and I face towards her. "No Hope, just rest for now, the dragon will still be here later" I say and she shakes her head. "No if the dragon leaves, then the world will be in danger" Hope says and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ad somnum" I say and Hope falls to the ground and I catch her before she falls. "Sorry Hope, but I'm not gonna let you get hurt" I say and carry her body inside. I take her body to her dorm and I set her down on her bed as I wait for her to wake up.

Hope's POV-

I woke up from passing out,  I tried to fight the other dragon but Josie wouldn't let me then everything went black. Then after a second I woke up in my bed and look over and see Josie sitting in a chair.

"Seriously? You put me to sleep?" I say getting up. She gets up and looks at me with a 'I'm sorry' look.

"Look I'm sorry! You were gonna stop at nothing to take down the dragon! I'm not gonna let you put yourself in danger Hope! Or risk you getting hurt! Not with this dragon, and not with your parents..." Josie say as she has a look that is filled with regret but she has another look that says 'I'm sorry even though I meant it'.

"I will stop at nothing to get my parents back" I say as I try not to get mad at her. I couldn't really get mad at her. Not for that long anyways. She's just to cute and innocent and swee- No! Stop Hope. I can't have feelings for her. I do though. I do have feelings for her. And I always will. I love her.

"Hope?" Josie says as I snap back into reality. "Uh yeah, look Jo I really need to go" I say and try to get past Josie but she steps in front of the door blocking my way.

"Josie..." I say and she doesn't budge. What the hell am I supposed to do now? She won't move and I don't want to touch her.

"Look Jo-" I say as I try to get past her but she keeps standing in my way and I end up vamp speeding her to the bed. Her back to the mattress and me on top of her with my hands on each side of her pinning her down onto the bed.

We both don't move from our spots but we make eye contact. Our lips are almost touching. Mine are practically brushing over hers. "Jo" I say whispering and closing my eyes as I slowly pull away from her.

"I-I can't" I say with tears starting to flood my eyes. "I-I want to be with you Jo I do! But I just can't put you in danger, I could never do that to you, p-put you through all that pain-" I say as Josie also gets up from the bed and grabs my face in her hands.

I lean into her touch as I stare into her chocolate brown eyes. "I know Hope, but I want to be with you so bad that I will turn into a vampire Hope please. Just let it happen, I want to be with you so bad, more than anything" She says pleading and I consider it for a second but shake the thought away.

"Just at least say you'll think about it, please" She says with small puppy dog eyes and I give in to them. I was never able to really say no to those eyes. "Fine" I say shortly and back away.

Was I seriously gonna think about this? I don't know.. I'll have to worry about it later.

"What happened to the dragon?" I ask breaking the silence between the two of us.

"I don't know.. as soon as I put you to sleep I carried you up here and I've been up here ever since" Josie says and I run out of the room with the Saltzman twin following me out.

We go outside and see all of the super squad on the ground.

Me and Josie panic and run to all of them to cheap and make sure their okay. They were still alive after we felt their pulse.

I looked up and saw the dragon still circling around. Although it looked like he was trying to do something. Or get something. Or get someone.

Just then the dragon dove straight downwards towards me and Josie. Heading straight for Josie.

I vamp speeded Josie out of the way and pinned to down onto the grass with me on top of her as the dragon swooped in and failed to grab Josie.

"He wants me? Why?" Jo asks and I shrug but get up and Josie tries to get up but I keep her down.

"Stay down, if the dragons trying to get you then you need to stay down here" I say and she nods and I get up and see the dragon circling and coming back in.

What the hell do I do?!

Just then. An idea popped into my head.

I quickly run and grab a big bouncy mattress and bring it out onto the field and as I turn around the dragon was going straight for Josie.

I tried to get near it to hit it but it just hit me away instead hitting my leg against a tree snapping it.

I cry out in pain and groan as I look over and see the dragon grab Josie and he starts to fly.

I groan and snap my leg back and reach over and grab the sword and quickly throw it in the air hitting the dragon right in the wing and the side of his body.

It cries out and drops Josie and she lands right on the bouncy mattress and I sigh I'm relief and get up and slowly make my way towards Josie and she runs towards me as well.

We wrap each other's arms around each other tightly.

"Are you okay?" Josie asks looking down on my leg and I winch as I try to put it down on the ground.

It was healing but slowly. The bone snapped in half so it was gonna hurt for a while.

"I'll be fine" I say as the dragon his the ground and it returns to human form.

I make my way over there and stab it in the neck. Killing it.

Me and Josie dragged everyone from the super squad inside and we just went up to Jo's room.

Josie sat on her bed and I sat on the edge of it.

"Well, we took down two dragons today, I'd say that's a step forward" I say and Josie let's out a small laugh.

"Yeah maybe" Josie says and I smile over at her.

We look at each other in silence making it slightly awkward until Josie breaks it.

"So... have you thought about it yet?" Josie asks referring to her vampire side.

"Jo.." I start and Josie grabs my hand and wraps it in here softly.

"It's okay Hope, I'm right here, and I'm not gonna go anywhere" Josie says and we both share a small smile with each other.

Our smiles then fade away as we just stare at each other and into each other's eyes.

We both lean in for our lips to touch just for them to brush right up against each other's.

That was until Josie filled the small gap in between us making our lips touch together.

Like a missing puzzle piece.


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