Chapter 47

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Josie's POV-

After my mom went outside with Hope they were out there for almost 10 minutes and I just waited on my bed waiting for them. Well waiting for Hope mostly.

After quite a while I walk outside and see Hope and my mom and Hope is just looking at my mom shocked until she turns around and looks at me.

"Oh um hey Jo" Hope says and I just smile but I also look between them.

"Is everything okay?" I ask and Hope nods.

"Yep, it's perfect Jo" Hope says with a smile as she walks over to me and gives me a peck.

"Uh thanks for the talk Caroline" Hope says sharing a smile with my mom.

"Of course Hope, and thank you again" My mom says to Hope and Hope just gives her a nod and a smile and we walk back inside my room again.

Hope's POV-

My mouth was opened wide. An engagement ring?! She wants me to marry Josie?

"Wha- Caroline-" I start but then hear the door open behind us and I quickly put the boxes into my pocket and just give Josie a smile as she returns it.

The three of us talked for a minute until me and Josie went inside her room again and she just closed the door behind me.

"What happened out there? Are you sure everything's okay baby?" Josie asks caressing my face and I nod.

"Yes Jo, I promise everything's fine princess" I say with a smirk on my face and she just slowly nods as I go up from behind her and give her a hug from behind and fiddle with her necklace which is the one I gave her for her birthday and I smile as I think of it.

"You still wear your necklace?" I ask and she just nods and I just wrap my arms around her even tighter in a way of saying 'I love you'.

"I always wear it, I never take it off" Josie says and I just smile as I give her light kisses on the back of her neck.

She throws her head back and I just smirk as I give her more kisses on the side of her neck now.

"Hope?" Josie breathes out and I stop as I remember that she has never done this or has gone to far.

"Shit, I'm sorry Jo I didn't mean to-" I start until Josie turns around and cuts me off with a kiss.

"No it's okay, I was just gonna ask if you wanted to go to your room, I like it there, if you want to" Josie says and I nod and smile as I give her a peck on the lips and we walk to my room.

I close the door behind her and she just throws herself onto my bed and stretches as I see her shirt lift up a little and see a huge scar on her upper hip.

"Jo oh my god what happened!?" I say walking quickly towards her and she looks down and notices that her shirt was slightly up and she pulls it down and covers the scar.

"Hm? N-no nothing happened, I-I don't know what your talking about" Josie says stuttering and I sit down next to her.

"Jo... you can tell me anything, who did that to you?" I ask with anger rising up in me as I get mad at the fact that someone hurt Josie, even if it was a while ago, but I hide my anger.

"N-nobody" Josie says and looks away with tears brimming in her eyes and I sigh as I pull her head into my lap.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna pressure you to tell me, but just know that I'll always be here for you, and I'm here to listen okay? I always will be" I say stroking her hair softly and she nods slowly.

"I know.. I just don't know if I'm ready.." Josie says as a few tears fall down her cheeks and I sit her up and place her on my lap.

"Jo.. tell me whenever your ready, I don't care how long it takes, I don't want you to feel pressured okay? Don't think you have to tell me" I say as she nods and she just pulls me in for a hug and she hugs me tightly and lets out a shaky breath.

"Thank you baby" She whispers out and I just kiss her forehead.

"Anytime princess" I say as we just cuddle in bed until we decide to get out of bed and walk around outside for a minute.

We walk outside for a few minutes talking and random things until we see Jade run up to us as she looks at Josie with a smirk.

"Hey there Josie" She says as she strokes her arm on Josie's and smirks at her and gives her a wink.

I grab her arm and twist it and she yells out in pain.

"Hope!" Josie says and I show my hybrid face at Jade and throw her to the ground and look at Josie and whisper in her ear.

"Your mine" I whisper seductively as she lets out a shudder.

"Got that?" I whisper again and she nods and I just smirk and kiss her hand as we continue walking together before I stop and turn around and look at Jade.

"Your really a pain in my ass Jade, I'll have you know" I say smirking as I kick her and I hear an arrow fire and I vamp speed around and catch it.

I can already feel anger rising up in me as I already know who this arrow belongs to.

"DAD WHAT THE HELL!?" I hear Josie yell as Dr. Saltzman comes out of the bush with his cross bow and I laugh.

"So expected" I say under my breath until I hear angry footsteps approaching the three of us.

"RIC! YOU SNAPPED MY NECK?! SERIOUSLY?" I hear Caroline's voice and Dr. Saltzman looks to the ground.

"You know what, fuck you Dr. Saltzman" I say lot of nowhere and he looks at me shocked.

"Excuse you?" He says and I laugh.

"You heard me, fuck you, you deserve it, you believe that fucking bird brain chicken head over your own daughter? And you believed him before when he said I was crazy and you locked me in a cell? Yeah I still remember that, then let me guess Caroline tried talking some fucking sense into you which is what you need, and you got mad and snapped her neck then you saw Jade on the ground and tried to shoot me with an arrow? Oh and not to mention you started talking shit about my dad right in front of me and accused me of being a killer. Real nice Dr. Saltzman, well I don't give a shit anyways, you probably think I'm terrible for Josie now but I love your daughter, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop that or jeopardize it, but yeah fuck you and your fucking shitty as brain which is just as stupid as the bird brain chicken head gnome thing whatever" I say basically pulling a Lizzie with the nicknames and I throw the arrow at him and hit him in the leg.

"Hope!" Josie says and I just realized that she totally just saw me hit her dad in the leg with an arrow.

I just look down and vamp speed away.

I didn't feel bad at all though. I only feel bad because Josie just saw me do that when I totally forgot he was there but he deserved that fucking shit. And I hope that it hurt badly.

Hey guys! Here's another update and sorry this one wasn't as long but it's kind of long! And now I'm on thanksgiving break and happy thanksgiving you guys!! Have a good day/night!

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