Chapter 51

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Hope's POV-

I woke up somewhere. It was dark. It looked like a... basement?

Why the hell would I be in a basement of all places right now?

Then memories started coming back into my mind as to where I remember me and Josie were in the kitchen and I was grabbing things for her and then everything went black.

Just then I felt a sharp pain again in my back and I realize that I was chained to a wall as I was basically dangling from the roof where my hands were wrapped in chains that burned my skin and my feet which were barely touching the ground as well.

As I tried to look behind me I see that there was a stake in my back until then I finally added up all the pieces.

Josie staked me.

Why in the hell would Josie stake me? No she has to be compelled. Someone must have compelled her to do this.

Just then I hear a door open and creak as I hear footsteps approach me and I look around and see a blurry figure in front of me but I feel to weak to figure out what or who it is until it steps closer and Josie's face comes into image.

"Josie?" I say weakly as she lets out a evil laugh.

"Okay okay, I'll give you a hint, I, am not, Josie" The figure that is known as Josie says and I was confused but suddenly my heart started racing because if that wasn't Josie... then where is she?

"Where's Josie! Where is she huh!?" I yell tugging on the chains but the seem to burn me even more and 'Josie' bangs me into the wall where I let out a groan.

"I wouldn't move if I were you, those chains are laced with maybe at least a gallon or more so of vervain and wolfsbane" 'Josie' says and I groan as she takes a huge wooden stake and shoves it into my stomach and I let out a scream of pain.

"Where is she" I some how let out with a loud groan of pain and the Josie figure laughs.

"Wow, I really can't believe that your getting tortured here and yet your still worrying about your little girlfriend aren't you?" The figure says as I just send her a glare.

"I honestly should've just taken Josie instead, but then again it is fun torturing you, but it also would've been great if I would've just snapped that pretty little neck of hers and-" The figure starts off with until to much anger boils up inside of me that I break out of the chains and pull that stake out of my stomach and pin the figure to the wall.

"I'm not gonna ask again. Where. Is. She" I say firmly as I start to choke them until I feel a burning sensation in me and it brings me a lot of pain but I ignore it.

"Who are you" I say and the figure laughs and shows their finger which has a ring on it. The illusion ring. They take it off and I see...


"Landon what the fuck?! WHERE IS JOSIE!" I say as I choke Landon more until he gets some words out.

"I'm not Landon either" He says until it hits me and I throw him to the wall and on the ground.

"Malivore... wait a minute I thought we killed you?!" I say and he just shakes his head.

"Nope, I've been pretending this whole time, and you all really fell for it didn't you" He says and I pick him up by the throat again and show my hybrid face.

"What did you do with Josie" I say and he just lets out a laugh.

"I didn't touch her, I just pretended to be her and stabbed myself with that knife making you think that I was her, god you moron of a tribrid, Josie's even dumber for a little witch that-" He starts off until I bite into my wrist and shove it into his mouth until I see fear cross his eyes as he starts to finally die.

"I want you to know that you died knowing that nobody loved you and nobody ever will" I say as I throw him on the ground as he finally dies and I just groan as I run out of the basement to see that I was stranded in the middle of nowhere.

I groan as I go back into the building and look around as I see my phone on a table.

"He probably took it out of my pocket when he grabbed me" I say to myself as I grab it and immediately call Josie.

After one ring the phone picks up and I hear Josie's panicked voice start talking through it and I just let out a sigh of relief.

"HOPE?! WHERE ARE YOU? Are you okay?! what's going on Hope?!" Josie says as I can hear her start to hyperventilate until I start talking through the phone.

"Jo it's okay, I'm okay now, look I'll send you my location and just come pick me up please, I-I need blood please Jo hurry up" I say and Josie starts to calm down her breathing as she says okay and we hang up and I slowly wait for Josie to come pick me up.

Okay guys sorry that this one was a little shorter then usual but I just wanted to at least get something done and get something to you guys! Anyways have a good day/night!

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