"Since when can you drive?"

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Hope's POV-

Me and Josie kept watching movies the entire night and we were both to lazy to get up and get the remote so we just let the movies play. "Hope" I looked down at Josie who was laying on me and she looked up at me. "Yeah?" I say in a sweet voice. "I'm hungry" She says and just then her stomach growls. "What do you want to eat?" She starts thinking about it. "I don't know, I just really want some food, I'm starving" I start thinking about some stuff to eat. I look at the time and see that it's only 8:30pm so maybe we could go to the grill. It is Saturday night anyways.

"Okay well maybe we can go to the grill? It's Saturday and it's only 8:30pm, what do you say?" She looks up at me smiling. "Yay! I was wanting to go there but I didn't know if you would have wanted to go or not, and I didn't really want to ask" I felt bad that Josie felt like she was to scared to ask me anything. I take her hand and she looks at me. "Jo, I don't ever want you to be afraid to ever ask me anything, whether  it's when your hungry or whatever else, hell, I wouldn't care if it was 3am and you wanted to go out and get food, I would take you out, so never be afraid to ask me anything, okay?" She nods at me and smiles then kisses me.

"Your the best" I smile at her then get up. "Okay, now let's go, come on slowpoke!" Josie laughs then gets up. Her laugh is way too cute. She's too cute. I put my leather jacket over my Salvatore Boarding School shirt and I was about to leave when I look at Josie who's standing there.

"What's wrong?" I say as I walk over to her. "I don't know if I should wear this, I'm wearing grey sweats with a t-shirt" I roll my eyes at her as a joke. "Jo, I'm also wearing sweats and I'm also wearing a t-shirt, plus if anyone makes fun of you I'll kill them" She lets out a chuckle and nods her head then we leave my room.

Josie's POV-

Me and Hope were watching movies and I was really hungry. I was kind of scared to ask her cause I was afraid that she would say no or that she didn't want too. I guess I have to ask her unless I want to starve. I just hope that she says yes.

I ask Hope if we can get food and she says yes. I felt happy and she gave me a small speech about how I could ask and tell her anything. She was the best. Hope then put on her leather jacket and I was afraid that people would make fun of me because of what I'm wearing. And yet, Hope gave another small speech about how she was wearing the same thing than she said that if someone made fun me of then she would kill them. She is amazing. She defends me whenever something happens. Me and Hope left her room then we walked outside the school and it was so cold that I think I started to shiver a little bit and I think Hope noticed it.

"You okay?" Hope asks me with her sweet voice as we walk. "Yeah, just a little bit more colder than I thought it would be" As I say that I feel something go over my shoulders and I look over and see Hope putting her leather jacket over me. "What if you get cold?" I ask her kind of like a whisper as I put my arms through the jacket sleeves and put it around me. "Benefits of being part wolf, you have fur so you don't get that cold so easily" I nod at her and smile as I was able to smell the jacket. It smelled just like her. Hope then pulled out car keys and we came across a car.

"Since when can you drive?" I ask her and she laughs. "I can drive okay, I have been able to for a while now, so I won't kill us, promise" I smile at her as we get into the car and she turns it on. "Okay, mystic grill here we come" Hope says and I laugh as I put my seatbelt on. As me and Hope drive to the mystic grill I put my head against the window and look outside of it. After a minute I feel Hope grab my hand and she intwines our fingers together and I look at her with huge smile on my face. We stayed like this the whole car ride and by the time we got to the mystic grill it was 9:00pm.

"You ready to eat?" I nodded my head still with a big smile on my face. Me and Hope went inside and she held out my chair for me to sit in. I smile at her as she sits down. The waiter comes and I get a burger with fries and a milkshake. Hope decides to get the same thing and while we wait for our food me and Hope just talk.

Hope's POV-

I took Josie out to the grill and we ordered our food and waited for it. "Thank you for this Hope" I smile at her. "Anytime, you deserve anything you want in life, no matter what" Josie smiles at me with a big smile on her face. I was glad that I was making her happy. She deserved it. "Josie I have a question to ask you?" Josie looks up from the table and looks at me. "Well I want to ask you when we finish" I give her a smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. "Great now you're making me wait" I laugh at her.

After a little bit the waiter comes back with our food and Josie literally has her mouth watering. "Damn Jo, I wonder why you never look at me like that" She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "That's because I have a different look for you" I blush a little but hide it. Me and Josie finish eating then I go on my phone and see that it's 9:30pm and I also see that someone texted me. That someone was Lizzie.



Hey is Josie with you? I can't find her anywhere, and where are you? I checked your room and I saw that you were not there either


Are you guys okay?


Hellooooo Mikaelson!

I decided to text her back so she doesn't spam me.



Hey Lizzie me and Josie were having a movie night and she got hungry so I took her to the mystic grill, were eating right now



It's about time you answered! Also what is going on with you guys?



Josie can tell you ;) anyways me and Josie are gonna keep eating, see you later Lizzie



Fine, bye, hurt her and your dead Mikaelson

I give a laugh at Lizzie's text and Josie looks up at me. "Who you texting?" I look at her and put my phone down. "Lizzie, she was wondering where we were, by the way you should probably tell her about us, she's wondering about us" Josie gives a small laugh. "I am gonna have to tell her, I will, later" She gives me a smirk and I give her one back.

Me and Josie finish eating and we leave the mystic grill and we go outside to the car. Josie tries to get in the car but I grab her arm and spin her into me as I kiss her.

HOSIE RIGHTS! Well I'm glad that there was some more hosie in this story and you will be seeing a lot more. I wanted to make this chapter a very sweet one because once hosie happens AND IT WILL! I feel like they would be sweet like this. Also thank you guys for 530 reads!!! I wanted to thank you all so much and it means a lot to me, thank you so much you guys! Anyways, I hope that you guys are enjoying this chapter and are enjoying this story and I hope that you guys have a great day/night!

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