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Sorin: Haló?
řekla jsem do tmy. Nikdo neodpovídal. Co se to děje? Co se pokazilo? Najednou jsem uslyšela kroky. A pak to začalo.

Hudba začala hrát a na jediné místo, kde bylo světlo, šel Martin. Nějaký kluk v pozadí začal.
Kluk: Hey, hey, hey. Good to see you. Come on dude, let's go.
Martin pokračoval.
Martin: Yeah, let's go! Ha, ha, ha, ha, alright. Alright, okay, alright okay, alright okay.
Místnost ozářilo fialovo modré světlo. Astřiny vlasy nádherně splívaly.
Martin: Return of the Mack. Get 'em, what it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't. Looking for a better way to get up out of bed. Instead of getting on the Internet And checking a new hit me, get up.
Všichni společně začali tančit.
Martin: Thrift shop, pimp-strut walkin' Little bit of humble, little bit of cautious. Somewhere between like Rocky and Cosby. Sweater game, nope nope, y'all can't copy Yup.
Byli tak sehraní. Tiše jsem sledovala a klepala si nohou do rytmu.
Martin: Bad, moonwalking, this here is our party. My posse's been on Broadway, and we did it our way. Grown music, I shed my skin and put my bones. Into everything I record to it and yet I'm on.
Martin se díval přímo na mě stejně, jako všichni. V davu jsem zahlédla i Tywalla. Usmíval se. Konečně.
Martin: Let that stage light go and shine on down. Got that Bob Barker suit game and plinko in my style. Money, stay on my craft and stick around for those pounds. But I do that to pass the torch and put on for my town.
Seskočil z pódia a šel ke mně.
Martin: Trust me, on my I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T shit, hustlin' Chasing dreams since I was fourteen. With the four-track, bussin'. Halfway cross that city with the backpack. Fat cat, crushing labels out here, nah, they can't tell me nothin'
Holky mu dělaly hlasy v pozadí. Bylo to tak úžasné.
Martin: We give that to the people, spread it across the country. Labels out here, nah, they can't tell me nothin'. We give it to the people, spread it across the country.
Pak vystoupil Tywall.
Tywall: Can we go back? This is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over. So we put our hands up.
Všichni zároveň zvedli ruce.
Tywall: Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us.
Děti noci se daly do pohybu. Bylo to jako mystický tanec. Užasle jsem sledovala.
Tywall: Can we go back? This is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over So we put our hands up Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us.
Ustoupil a Martin šel zase rapovat.
Martin: Now, can I kick it? Thank you. Yeah, I'm so damn grateful. I grew up really wanting gold fronts. But that's what you get when Wu-Tang raised you.
Přišel až ke mně.
Martin: Y'all can't stop me. Go hard like I got a 808 in my heartbeat. And I'm eating at the beat like you gave a little speed To a great white shark on Shark Week, raw!
Chytil mě za ruku a odtáhl do středu kruhu, který vytvořili ostatní.
Martin:  Tell me go up, gone. Deuces, goodbye, I got a world to see. And my girl, she wanna see Rome. Caesar'll make you a believer. Nah, I never ever did it for a throne.
Všichni se nějak hýbali, ale já stála jako sloup. Za prvé, neumím tančit. Za druhé, nevěděla jsem jak, abych se s nimi sladila.
Martin:  That validation comes from giving it back to the people. Now sing a song, and it goes like.
Opět se holky přidaly.
Martin: Raise those hands, this is our party. We came here to live life like nobody was watching. I got my city right behind me, if I fall, they got me.
Tywall se najednou objevil přede mnou.
Martin: Learn from that failure, gain humility. And then we keep marching, I said...
Tywall: Can we go back? This is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over So we put our hands up. Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us.

Přidala jsem se k němu.
Tywall + Sorin: Can we go back? This is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over So we put our hands up Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us.
Začala hrát hlasitější hudba. S Tywallem jsem tančila uprostřed kruhu.
Astra: And so we put our hands up.
Vůbec jsem nemyslela, co dělám. Prostě jsem tančila.
Astra: And so we put our hands up.
Martin a kluci: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Tywall mě vytáhl na pódium.
Martin: Let's go! Na na na na, na na na na!
Tywall: Hey-ee ay-ee ay-ee ay ay-ee ay-ee, hey!

Astra se najednou objevila u mě.
Astra: Teď ty, Sorin!
Martin: And all my people say Na na na na, na na na na!
Sorin: Hey-ee ay-ee ay-ee ay ay-ee ay-ee, hey.

Všichni začali jásat.
Martin: And all my people say Na na na na, na na na na!
Sorin: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
Dívala jsem se Tywallovi do očí. Byly nádherné a dívali se na mě tak láskyplně.
Martin: And all my people say Na na na na, na na na na!
Konečně jsem se uvolnila úplně a tančila a zpívala naplno. Tohle jsou mí lidé.
Sorin: Mack-le-eh-eh-eh-eh-more!
Tywall: Can we go back? This is the moment Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over So we put our hands up Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us.

Tančila jsem v davu a začala jsem zpívat.
Sorin: Can we go back? This is the moment. Tonight is the night, we'll fight 'til it's over So we put our hands up Like the ceiling can't hold us. Like the ceiling can't hold us!

No ahoj, stihla jsem tooo! :DDD. No, snad nevadí, že je to vlastně jen zpívací kapitola :P. Další kapitolu stihnu buď dnes nebo zítra. Tak se nemusíte bát. 
Tak ahoj příště...


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