Number Twelve

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The car door slams shut next to me before I take a deep breath and grip the steering wheel. My hands stop shaking as my breathing slowly returns to normal rhythm. I flip down the car visor and stare at the smudged dark red lipstick that has stained the skin around my mouth. My mascara left streak marks down the top of my blushed cheeks and my eyeliner smeared, giving me raccoon eyes. My long white hair has lost its volume and the color seems dimmer now. Top it off with micro knots tangled throughout the mess.

Fucking my way to the top has not been pretty.

My name is Scarlett Steele and I work for one of the richest companies on the east coast. I started at Bank of Ren five years ago at the age of eighteen as a part of the janitorial crew. I just fucked the data analysts at my workplace. This means I will get his job in about two weeks.

Blackmail, baby.

When people ask how a twenty-three-year-old girl made it so far in a government corporate job with no degree, I simply state I work real, real hard. It's not a lie. Picking my targets and achieving them are not a simple task. It has taken me five years and twelve men to get me where I am. On top of that, I do have to know the job I intend to replace. I just paid $2,500 for an online class on how to be a data analyst. Seems simple enough.

My goal is to make it to the top. Mr. Kylo Ren is the CEO of Bank of Ren and he is one of the richest men in New York City, let alone the whole coast. He's untouchable and I have yet to see him with my own two eyes. He is my goal. Make it to him and I can stay at the top. I just have no idea where to start. I'm just hoping my new position, once Dave the data analysis resigns, will bump me high enough to meet the big boys. From here on out, I will have to be more careful of who I target. One wrong move and I will be prosecuted and lose everything I have worked for. I make good ass money and my paycheck will be ever fatter as a data analyst. I'll have to take my time and proceed with caution.

Anyways, that's how I ended up in my Mercedes outside my work building after hours.

I click my seatbelt into place before taking off onto the side street and off into the city. Although this was my twelfth time, it never gets easier. The fake flirting, the fake moaning, and the fake confidence that I can destroy their world. I reach down to my hip to make sure my cell phone is still in my pocket. It feels like it will scorch a hole in my thin, grey dress slacks. It is carrying a secret big enough to ruin several lives.

The look of defeat on his face is etched into my mind as I race towards home. Dave was a nice guy but he fell for my trick so easily. Honestly, he was the easiest thus far. He also had the smallest dick. Pretty small for how fucking cocky he was. I laugh to myself as I turn down my street and pull into my parking garage. Spot 409 is my assigned parking spot and is on the fourth floor, just like my condo. I park and lock my car before rushing inside to avoid the frigid air of winter. As much money as I pay to live here, I suggest they heat the parking garage. My heels clacking on the ground is the only noise filling the vacant lot. I swipe my card and the outside door unlocks.

I step into the building and walk past the security guard room, "Good evening, Tate!"

Tate steps out from the door as soon as I walk by, "Evening Ms. Steele. How was your day?"

He leans on the door frame and watches.

I slow down enough before I have to turn the corner to go down my hallway, "Just lovely, and yours? Anything interesting for a Friday night?"

I look back at him when he takes a few seconds to respond.

"Nothing to concern yourself with Ms. Steele," he gives a soft smile and tips his head goodnight.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now