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The club's sign is large and bright, the word Sapphire 39 glowing in bright blue lights across the top of the tall building. I have never been to this club before but by the looks of it, there's a valid reason why. The entire front of the building is crowded with men in suits talking to more men in suits while smoking cigars despite the freezing air. Some look scummy while others look like they just stepped off a runway for men's fashion week.

We pull up to valet and my heart stops, watching all fifty men turn to watch our cars pull in. Their eyes narrow to thin slits as they try to see past the tinted windows and figure out who is attending the party tonight. They are of all ages, skin color, and heights. None of them look too particularly happy as the bouncers step closer to our cars. Their heads pivot to behind us as they all smile and cheer with the cigars and glasses of liquor raised in the air. I turn around in my seat to see Kylo step out of the car and raise his hand in greeting to the men all welcoming him, no smile on his lips.

My mouth parts slightly to see that Kylo is dressed in head to toe black. His hair is long and hanging loosely around his sharp features, looking as luxurious as his black Armani suit that tightly hugs his arms, back and thighs. A thin gold chain hangs around his neck and tucks under his black dress shirt. The only ring he wears tonight is the blood ruby which glints brightly against the pitch black clothes. Vicrul rounds the car and immediately starts bullshitting with some of the men who stand near the entrance. Vicrul also looks incredible tonight. His black suit makes him look taller and leaner, if that's even possible, but cuts off at his ankles to show off his black Salvatore dress shoes. He wears his blood ruby on the same finger as Kylo but wears other rings with it along with a black watch.

Trudgen's voice snags my attention for a second, "We will hang back to ensure you get in without too much attention. We will be two minutes behind you."

My eyebrows scrunch as Kylo shallowly nods and I realize they are wearing earpieces. I guess Kylo's long hair comes in handy for other reasons than just something to tug on while he licks my clit. The thought has my blood racing under my skin but it comes to a deadly halt as Kylo helps a woman out of the car. Her long slender back is clad in a deep royal purple gown that hugs her body. It cuts off right below her ass, one wrong move and she will be flashing the entire crowd. An uneasy feeling builds in me as I think that these men at the club probably would enjoy that too much by the way they stare at her. I can't see her face as her arm wraps around Kylo's before he heads in with Kuruk, Vicrul, and Ap'lek following closely behind them.

My lip trembles out of rage and sadness as I watch Kylo and the mystery woman walk into the building with about ten men following behind Vicrul. My heart races and I have no idea what to say or what to do so I shout, "Seriously?!"

Ushar studies the crowd with caution as he says, "A replacement."

"A replacement for me?" I shout and drop back into my seat with a huff. Anger stirs in me towards Vicrul. He knew Kylo would have another woman tonight and didn't warn me.

Trudgen watches me out of the rearview mirror, "It's strictly business."

I feel tears line my eyes before I begin to blink them away, "That's how I started... strictly business."

The men are awkward as we sit in silence, them obviously not knowing how to calm me down. Trudgen turns off the car and faces me, "You do NOT leave our side tonight. These men out here are all bad men. Merciless, piggish men that have no morals. You stay next to Cardo, Vicrul, or Kuruk tonight. I will be busy with Ren, Ushar will be on the phone with Hux, and Ap'lek will be standing guard of our suite. We also have some men stationed around the building inside and out so I will have them focus on your whereabouts at all times."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now