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Ap'lek is nice enough to let me choose which car we take downtown today. He follows closely behind me as I walk through the parking garage, inspecting each car.

"Any peak your interest, Ms. Steele?"

I pause in front of a black Mercedes Benz G-class.

"How about this one?" I stare at it as I hear Ap'lek walk towards me.

"Excellent choice Ms. Steele. Fresh off the lot as of last week. We can break her in," he smirks at me before he walks to the security office, grabbing the keys.

I blush at the way he looks at me. He opens the back passenger door for me.

I look in the backseat then up at him, "Actually, can I ride up front with you? I feel awkward in the back."

He hesitates for a split second before smiling and closing the door. He takes two steps backwards and opens the front passenger door for me.

"Thank you," I smile and sit.

He shuts the door and walks to the driver's side. He starts the engine, turns on the heated seats and pulls out. The security guards tip their heads as we pull through the security gate and up onto the main road. It's busy for a Friday morning.

Ap'lek drives with such grace that I can't help but watch his hands on the steering wheel. He is dressed in a typical black suit with pants that outline his whole lower half. Do these men own any normal clothes? His hand that is driving is scarred, most marks older and duller but some newer and brighter.

His side profile is stunning. His bright eyes contrast beautifully with his hair. His nose is small but sharp. His skin is tanned with small scars peppering his neck. He smiles, letting me know that my staring is obvious.

I face forward and watch as he drives through the snow, fast and efficient.

"Are you nervous for tonight?" His voice breaks the silence.

I look over at him and catch him staring before facing the road again.

"No, but I think it's because I have no idea what to expect." I answer truthfully, "Mr. Ren truly didn't give out any details about tonight."

He makes a sharp left turn, "I am assigned to you tonight. You'll be okay."

I don't respond. The thought of having my life placed in the hands of a stranger I had just officially met yesterday after finding out he's a sadist does little to comfort me.

He pulls into a parking spot along the street in front of a strip of different kinds of stores, "Here we are, Ms. Steele."

I look out the window and read the signs. Gucci, Prada, Louis, Givenchy, Hermes, and the list goes on and on.

I hear his door open and shut before I realize he is helping me out of my seat.

"Do you mind coming with me?" I stand next to him, nerves unsettling me.

He smiles, taking my hand and placing it around his arm, "Of course."

I want to pull away but I oddly feel relaxed around him despite what Kylo told me about him. Ap'lek does not seem wicked or cruel. I decide to keep a hold on him, enjoying the warmth his body is radiating despite the freezing air.

We head into Gucci first since it is the closest. I walk out of the store, not finding anything I was in love with. We then head into a combination store. They have everything I could dream of. One wall is Tom Ford, Porter, and Versace. The other wall is covered in Balmain, McQueen, Balenciaga. I don't even recognize some of the brands but I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now