No Caller ID

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I take the rest of the day off telling my manager I do not feel well. It is not a lie. I then proceed to take off two days after that claiming I must have caught a bug. I rarely ever use my sick days but I can't imagine showing my face there ever again.

Between ordering take out, eating or drinking my sadness away, and looking for new jobs online, I am a complete and utter wreck.

Kylo Ren is a vile man. He made me feel confident and appreciated before he stripped me down to nothing. He called me desperate. He threatened me.

His words play over and over again in my head, "You have until Friday to decide. Pack your things by Friday and pray you never see me again if you choose option one, understand"

What did he mean by that? Pray I never see him if I leave? Hell, I would be happy to never see him again. My stomach turns knowing I once came to just the thought of him. I am disgusting. I am the vile one.

My phone buzzes on the counter from the other room. I ignore it knowing damn well it is Ana trying to reach me. I left the office immediately after Monday's meeting and have yet to go back. I talk to Ana almost daily so she is probably worried that I haven't answered or showed up to work since Monday.

I'll answer her calls once I know what I am about to do with my life.

A knock on the door startles me. I set my laptop down on the table and walk to the front door. I peek out the peep hole and see Tate standing there.

I open the door just wide enough to see him, "What's up?"

Tate stands there with a brown bag and smiles nervously, "May I come in? I brought you a sandwich from the shop right around the corner, your favorite."

I glance between him and the bag before opening the door wider, "Yeah, come in."

He steps into my home and closes the door behind him. My clock reads eight which means he is probably off duty.

I walk over to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of wine, "Want a drink?"

"I'd love a drink."

He sets the paper bag on my kitchen table before sitting down to relax.

"Sorry, I'm in my pajamas. I wasn't expecting anyone."

I blush noticing how nicely he is dressed while realizing I am wearing my comfiest pajamas that consists of a stained Red Wings t-shirt and my baggiest grey sweats that are torn up on the bottoms from being too long for my legs.

"No worries, I knew I was coming on a weekday after work." He opens the bag to pull out and unwrap my turkey sandwich.

"Considering I didn't go to work..." I set his wine glass in front of him before taking my seat across from him.

He watches me settle into my seat, "I thought I missed you the last few days. I figured you snuck out while I was doing rounds."

I shake my head as I chew my first bite, "Nope."

"You feeling well?" He sips on his drink.

"Depends. Do you mean physical, emotionally or mentally?"

He sets his glass down and watches me, "All of them."

The concern in his voice makes me blush, "Well physically, I am fine. Emotionally I am drained and mentally I am dead."

I attempt a chuckle to lighten the mood.

"Is it personal or work or...?" He drags out the last word waiting for me to answer.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now