Hungrier - Kylo's POV

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I check my watch and tap my foot on the cement. The anticipation of seeing her is chewing away at me. I haven't seen her since the night she broke in my arms.

The look on her face as she screamed broke me. I have killed. I have tortured. I have broken people but I have never felt any remorse about it. I knew she was struggling. I knew she was put through hell and back this past month. I was just so caught up in my own anger that I completely forgot she was the one who should be angry. She is the one who has to cope and deal with everything. I was a complete jackass to her. I cared more about revenge than I did about her wellbeing.

When I ran into the room and witnessed her completely shatter, I was lost. For once in my life, I had no idea what to do. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to help. I felt so helpless as I watched her beg for air while nothing was stopping her from breathing. My only instinct was to be near her when she was ready to accept help. When she screamed and dug into my flesh, I knew that superficial pain was nothing compared to what her soul was going through. The moment her body collapsed into mine, I held onto her as if she would drift away into a mist and leave forever. I stood once she fell asleep and placed her in bed. I knew she shouldn't be alone that night so I stayed next to her.

Somewhere between then and the morning, she turned and laid against me. When I awoke to her large doe eyes staring up at me, I recognized who was staring back. I was relieved to see she was still with me.

As I left after spending the night with her, she asked if I hated her. I couldn't fathom why she would ask such a thing.

If only she knew that I hated myself, not her.

Being the coward I am, I haven't checked on her all week. I sent Ushar up to my room once to check on her and he reported that she was doing better. I kept busy with the bank and hiring a new person to fill Dave's old position. I checked in on Josh but refused to begin his lesson until I felt like it was time. If I do it in the heat of the moment, I will regret not feeling it in my core. I want it to be a release for me and the boys, not rushed and wild. I want to play it strategically. I want the maximum pain for the maximum length possible. I cannot give all my attention to him just yet so he will have to wait.

Now, I am standing with Ushar and Vicrul in the parking garage, waiting for those elevator doors to slide open and watch her walk out. I sent up a dress with information for tonight. Hopefully she liked the dress I bought her. When I saw it, I immediately thought of her.

Tonight should be easy for her. A gentle ease into this world again after it bit her in the ass last time. I should get a hold of Hux to confirm Enzo's location.

I grab a cigar from Vicrul, "Ushar, I want you to tell Trudgen to contact Hux on Enzo Ricci."

"Yes, sir." Ushar gets on his phone immediately, texting.

Vicrul lights his cigar, "It's 6:57 boss, should I go get her?"

I shake my head, "She knows."

Just as Vicrul lights my cigar, I hear the elevator doors slide open. I slowly twist my head to glance over my shoulder. I'm grateful I am not facing her as I feel my cock grow in my pants, watching her body clad in an all-black dress strut towards us.

She looks stunning. Her hair is pushed back and slick to her scalp. It hangs perfectly down her back, between her shoulder blades. Her eyes are brighter somehow with such dark and heavy makeup. Her skin is glowing compared to the last time I saw her. Her eyes are shining with a new refreshed look. Her cheeks are fuller and have a rosy tint. Her curves are luscious in the black velvet that clings to each dip and curve of flesh. My eyelids turn heavy as she watches me, taking each step excruciatingly slow towards me. The only sound is her black heels hitting the pavement, echoing off the hollow walls of the garage. She holds her head higher, the most confident I have seen her, ever.

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