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"Your choice today," Kylo sips his mug of coffee.

I step out of the shower and walk to the bedroom, "Do you mind another beach day?"

His eyes drag up my legs, "Sure."

I notice his stare and smirk at him, "I am just too sore to think about doing anything besides relaxing."

My hand gripping the towel around my body loosens its grip, slowly slipping apart. Kylo sets his mug down onto the counter, watching. I pretend to not notice as I turn my back towards him and drop my towel onto the floor. I glance over my shoulder to see he hasn't moved a muscle; I can't even tell if he is breathing.

"What color bikini should I wear down to the beach?" I bend down, grabbing two options out of my suitcase. "Black or white?" I turn to him, giving him an innocent look.

Just under his right eye twitches. From frustration I think.

"White," he says much too quietly, "wear white."

I shrug and toss the black one back into my suitcase, "If you say so." I slip on the bottom and slip on the top, "Can you tie it for me?"

I walk towards Kylo who is still deathly still in the kitchen. I hold my top against me as I spin so he can tie it snuggly around my neck.

"Thanks," I smile at him and tie on a white lace wrap around my hips.

My phone pings across the room, drawing my attention away from Kylo's stare. That sounded unlike my normal notification tone. I walk to the nightstand next to the bed and lift my phone, staring at the online banking notification that alerted me of an update. I slide it open, unlocking my screen and holding my breath, nervous as to what possible changes could have happened. I pray to God that I wasn't hacked.

The bank app opens, showing a green screen of a deposit into my account. I sit on the bed, heart racing as I see the amount.

*$65,000 deposited in savings account on January 2nd*

"Kylo...?" I call out to him as he stands in the kitchen still.

I hear him walk into the bedroom, "What?"

"There has been a mistake," I drag my eyes up from my phone to meet his stare.

He takes my phone from my hand and glances at the screen, "No, that's correct."

I snatch my phone back, glaring at him, "Is this for fucking you last night?"

I swear if this is what I received simply for bending over for him, I will kill him. I am nobody's whore to be paid after he sticks his-

He stops my spiraling train of thought, "It's your monthly deposit for working for me."

Heat blooms across my cheeks, embarrassed I jumped to such a horrible conclusion. I clear my throat, "Oh, I'm sorry." The realization of my monthly payment hits me, "That is what I will earn each month?" I do quick math in my head, "That is like three quarters of a million dollars a year, Kylo."

He nods once, "It will increase once you surpass the three-month probation period."

"INCREASE?" I shout and stand, laughing in hysteria.

He watches as I fall back on the bed and whisper, "Thank you."

"Ready for the beach?" He says unamused as I lay there, staring up at the ceiling.

"Yeah," I sit up and watch as he quickly changes into his outfit for the day.

Kylo chooses to wear a dark grey pair of swim trunks with a black tank top. I practically drool watching him walk down to the beach. His tattoos are on full display, along with his scars and marks. His arms are thick and long with muscles curving and flexing with each step. His back is wide, muscles spread wide, only narrowing as they lead down to his hips.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now