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Saying goodbye to my parents is always rough. It was hard the first time before moving away to New York and is equally hard this time.

"Make sure to come back, okay?" My dad gives me a quick hug and faces Kylo, "You too."

Kylo shakes his head and smiles. His lack of response makes a pit grow in my stomach. He doesn't have intentions on coming back. I knew it was too good to be true.

"I miss you already!" Mom rushes towards me and squeezes me into her arms.

I squeak out between my lost breath, "Me too, momma."

She lets go after another minute before shuffling to Kylo, "Take care of our baby."

He hugs her back, engulfing her in his arms. I smile at the size comparison.

"Will do, Nomi." He releases her even when she continues to hug.

"I'll call you soon, I promise." I wave to them as Kylo and I head out the front door.

"Love you!" My mom and dad both call out at the same time.

I turn back, "I love you too."

Kylo grabs the luggage from me and places it in the trunk of the car. I hop in the passenger side, buckling in. I stare at my lap while I wait for Kylo. I can't possibly look up and see their sad faces while I wait. I hear Kylo get into the driver's seat and start the car. Thankfully, he already started the car once before so it knocked the chill off.

"Ready?" He glances at me before backing out of the drive.

I nod, looking up one last time as he pulls out. My parents stand on the front porch, arms wrapped around each other, waving. I sniffle and quickly wipe my eyes as I wave back. I have been gone for years but it never gets easier leaving them. Except, something about this time is making it even harder. Maybe it was the way I brought someone home and they actually approved of him even though he isn't even mine. It just felt surreal to have my parents think I am doing amazing in life when in reality, I am barely scraping by.

"You'll see them again," Kylo drives toward the airport, "I promise."

"You promise?" I look over to him.

He nods, merging onto the freeway. I smile, hopeful that he will join me the next time I want to go visit my parents.

"I know it wasn't the life you're used to but that was mine. Probably boring to someone like you." I scroll through my phone on social media.

"Boring? No." He turns off the freeway and towards the airport, "It was exactly what was needed for both of us."

I think about his words, "You're right."

After a short drive, Kylo parks the car next to our plane, "I am already missing those pancakes with extra hot syrup."

I laugh as I step out of the car, "Same."

Poe greets us outside of the car as the other man loads our luggage, "Where to, boss? I filled this baby up to get us anywhere."

Kylo smirks down at me before turning to Poe, "Oahu, Hawaii."

My mouth drops open, "Hawaii?"

Poe smiles and heads back to the plane, climbing the stairs, "We take off in ten minutes!"

I am frozen as Kylo heads towards the plane.

He looks back when he notices I'm not moving, "Coming?"

I bob my head up and down and force my feet to move. He allows me up the stairs first and I sit in the same seat I sat in on the way to Michigan.

He sits across from me like before, "I knew you haven't been to Hawaii and with only a day to plan, I figured it was a safe place to surprise you with."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now