Flashdancers - Kylo's POV

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My vision turns a dark red, tunneling to black as I storm out of Ap'lek's room and into the hallway. Blood pools in my mouth, forcing me to swallow it. That bitch struck me without hesitation. I saved her life tonight by removing her from that room and that's the thanks I get?

She's lucky she swore herself to me because if she did that without the loyalty, I would have killed her right there without a second thought. I would have tightened my hand so tightly around her neck tendons that the last thing she would've heard was her neck snapping against my palm. I would have made sure I was the last thing she ever saw as I stole her last breath.

I need to get the fuck out of here. I need to get away from her.

I get to the lower level and walk past the elevator knowing it will not go quick enough for me. I jerk open the emergency staircase door and slam it shut behind me. I take the stairs by two as I race down them until I hit the garage level, barely out of breath as adrenaline courses through my veins.

I shout to the security team, "BMI i8."

They immediately toss the keys to me as I walk past them and get into the car. The engine purrs, coming to life as I throw it in drive. I speed onto the main road and floor it down the empty road. I glance at the clock, it's 4am.

My phone rings. It connects with the car and I see Ap'lek's number on the screen.

I answer the call, "What?"

Ap'lek sounds anxious, "Hey man, you okay?"

I squeal the tires as I take a sharp right towards downtown, "I'm fine."

"What should I do..." Ap'lek pauses, "with her?"

"I don't give a fuck. Put Vicrul on the phone."

I hear Ap'lek pass the phone, "Yeah, boss?"

"Flash in 10, bring dice."

"Fuck yes, sir." I hear the call click and end.

I pull up to the building, tossing my keys to valet. The dim and flashing blue lights dance across everyone standing, sitting, and dancing. I walk straight back through the crowd knowing I will find exactly who I am looking for.

A booth in the back holds a tall, slim, red haired man. I approach him as he buries his face in a slim girl's tits.


Hux is the man of all resources. He works for everyone in the city but I pay him top dollar to keep him close and keep my claws into him, making sure he answers to me first. He has traded information with me for drugs, weapons, and money. He is a simple man but I cannot trust him. He knows everything about everyone and that could be good or bad. He is a genius but besides that, I cannot stand him. I try to seek him out as little as possible to keep my distance from him. His arrogance makes me grind my teeth every time he opens his mouth to talk.

He sits up to turn and face me, "Solo. What do you want?"

I point my finger at another girl sitting in the opposite side of the booth, telling her to get up, "Move."

She slides out of the booth and scurries into the crowd as I sit down, "I have a proposition."

Hux rolls his eyes, "What could possibly be so pressing that you need to discuss it at almost five in the morning? You look like shit."

I lower my voice until it is concealed by the music to everyone but him, "I need information on Enzo Ricci."

He narrows his eyes across the booth to me, "And why is that?"

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