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Tension is a cute word to describe the house right now. Ever since the club a few weeks ago, the men have acted differently. Not in a bad way but in a protective way. Almost as if now that they saw my tits covered in red lace and then watched me bent over in front of Kylo, I officially and exclusively belong to them. It's even worse with Vicrul, Ap'lek, and Kuruk. They literally will not leave me alone, making sure I'm okay and that I am taken care of. I kind of enjoy it, especially knowing they have seen me completely naked and wanted me. It makes me feel superior to other women. I see the other women every time we are out and about. They watch all the men, giving them "fuck me" eyes and trying to introduce themselves. I used to laugh at their attempts but now, a ping of jealousy shoots through me. Especially when they try to get Kylo's attention. Thankfully, he never even glances their way.

Even at our business meetings, the men no longer treat me like a toy to distract men. They still let me dress up and get sexy but they no longer offer me up to the men as a prize or temptation. I like it. I crave it. I feel more important as I walk in with my men, feeling and looking equally as powerful as them. The others we meet during these meetings no longer lick their lips and pat their laps in invite. Now, they stare me down equally as hard as the others. They see me as the threat they know I can be.

Vicrul, Kuruk, Ap'lek, and Kylo are all talking in the car as I sit silently. We are on our way to have a meeting with very important people at a club in midtown. I think it's called Marquee club.

All day yesterday, I sat with Kylo's men as they explained to me who we were meeting tonight and why it was so important to be cautious of my responses. Some man named Armitage Hux is Kylo's main focus for the night and I should stay out of their way. Vicrul told me to stick with him and Kuruk tonight. My goal is to be present but not make a presence.

"You good little one?" Vicrul hits my thigh, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Mhm," I nod, "I'm fine."

I look up to see Kylo staring at me through the rearview mirror. His eyes are serious tonight; any playfulness is gone. I gulp, truly understanding how serious tonight can be. The car quickly flashes with a bright light, thunder following right after. I look out the window to see dirty old snow being washed away with the freezing rain pouring down.

"No weed tonight?" I look up to Vicrul and then to Kuruk.

Kuruk shakes his head no while Vicrul answers, "Not tonight. We can at home if you need to after."

I sink back into my seat, wishing I had something to calm my nerves just a tad before we get there. Something cold taps my knee, making me look up from my lap. Kylo reaches back, handing me a small metal flask without looking at me. I take it from him, making sure to brush my fingers over his. He flexes his fist as he brings his arm back up to him. I untwist the cap and bring it up to my nose, taking a small sniff. My nostrils immediately burn at the scent but I pour some in my mouth anyways. The taste isn't nearly as harsh as the scent but it still burns and heats my body as I feel it travel down and throughout my system.

I take another sip but stop when I hear Kylo say, "Enough."

Fighting the urge to ignore him, I twist the cap back on and hand it up to Kylo again. He tucks it into the car glove box before smoothing his hair back and adjusting his shirt, "Remember, you belong to Vic tonight."

I clear my throat at his words, "Mhm, I remember."

My arms get goosebumps as Vicrul leans over, whispering, "Mine."

Last night, Kylo explained to me that I cannot be known as his. The last thing he needs is another target and for me to be that target. We all agreed that I will be Vicrul's since everybody knows him to be the craziest so it will be less likely for anyone to try anything with me with Vic by my side.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now