Barefoot in New York

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My body is warm, too warm. I open my eyes and look around the room, no longer on the couch in the living room. I throw the blanket off my body and check the watch sitting on the side table. It's 5am. I don't remember walking myself to Ap'lek's bedroom last night. My stomach rumbles and my throat is dry.

I get out of bed and tiptoe down the hallway and down the stairs. The room is dark since the sun hasn't started rising yet. It is completely silent. I guess I'm alone again this morning. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, finding cranberry juice. I pour a glass and then start searching the cabinets for anything to eat.

"You hungry?" A deep voice calls out to me behind me.

I jump, slamming the cabinet shut, "Ah!"

Ap'lek chuckles as I spot him sitting up on the couch.

"You scared the shit out of me. What are you doing?" I reach for my racing heart and lean against the counter.

He stands and walks towards me, "You see, somebody took my bed."

He is wearing a loose fitting tank top with baggy sweats. My eyes can't help but to roam his body. He is much more muscular than I thought he was. He also has a lot more scarring than I originally could spot on his hands. My eyes catch a light and faded mark running from his chest, down to his hip. That had to have hurt.

I narrow my eyes at him, "You're telling me you don't have another floor with a spare bed? You own like nine extra floors."

"I do," he walks past me to open the fridge and grab some cranberry juice, "but they don't have all my clothes, my office, or my liquor."

I shrug and hand him a glass, "I can always leave."

He turns stern, "Not until we know what is going to happen."

"Kuruk told me Kylo was out yesterday trying to fix my mistake," I sit on the counter and sip my juice.

He nods silently.

"Well, anything?"

He walks closer to me and stops just next to my legs, "Maybe. We are working on it and still trying to run a few businesses."

"I understand," I set my glass down, "I fucked up so bad."

He nods once, "Yes, but it happens to the best of us."

I sigh, "Not to Kylo, I bet."

Ap'lek looks at me, "You'd be surprised."

"Well," I hesitate, "can you tell me a story of when he fucked up to make me feel better about myself?"

"When we were younger, maybe seventeen, we went out when his grandfather told us not to. Suspicious activity had been happening all around the city at the time and his grandfather was trying to figure out what was going on. He didn't want us going out when he wasn't sure what was happening. Kylo being Kylo decided he wasn't going to listen. I tried to convince him to stay home but no one tells Kylo what to do."

Ap'lek stares at his glass, "Me being me, I tagged along with him to make sure he would be okay."

I watch Ap'lek's hand tighten and loosen around the glass he is holding, "We ended up going to a pool hall that night who was affiliated with his grandfather, or so we thought. When we walked in, we realized we walked right into a trade with a rivalry gang. Everyone in that hall knew who we were and started to charge after us. Kylo told me to run and to tell his grandfather. I refused to leave him so he pushed me out the door, locking me out and locking himself in."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now