Seven Devils - Both POV's

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Scarlett's POV

I get to Kylo's bedroom and empty out my backpack that sits slumped in the corner of his room. I dump out the insides onto the floor, only grabbing essentials. I quickly pack a change of clothes, my phone, charger, and my wallet. I change out of my bloody sweater and change into a clean black hoodie of Kylo's, too worried about finding where my own hoodie is. I slip on my tennis shoes and head downstairs. I rush down the stairs and press the elevator button several times, as if it will move any quicker. The panting of my breath is the only sound in the room as I look back at the room. I picture how Kylo took care of me the nights I needed him most. The staircase he carried me up when my feet felt too tired. The kitchen that he laid me upon the floor to satisfy my every craving, him. The kitchen table that he feasted upon me more than actual food. The couch I had slept on Kuruk and the office where all the men made me feel part of the team with planning and scheming. The room I had called home for the last month. The place I thought was slowly getting used to and actually craving its peace and comfort. The place I was eager to rest in and play in and fight in. The place I thought would be my forever.

I pull my backpack tighter to me, reminding myself that it will soon only be a memory. The elevator doors open and I step in, pushing the garage level button with one last glance into the floor I called mine. I hold my breath as it carries me past the 45th floor without stopping. Their shooting rings loudly as I pass the floor they are all on still, jumping with each shot fired. I sigh a relief as the doors open, revealing a dimly lit garage with a few security guards.

I hold my head high and wave to them, "Hey guys, I need a car to go to the hospital." I raise my bandaged hand to show them proof.

They look at each other before Clyde nods, "Alright, let me phone Mr. Ren to clear it."

My eyes narrow as I scoff, "He makes you guys call in when I want to leave so he can approve it?"

Clyde nods, "Yes, ma'am."

I huff a laugh and shrug, "Okay."

Clyde walks to the phone across the room and dials. I quickly sneak over to the key board and pick a random key set, not caring what car I pick right now. I click the button, looking for the headlights indicating what car I am taking. A faint glow shines in the back of the garage, hidden behind the corner.

I tiptoe towards it before Clyde turns to me, "What floor was Mr. Ren on? He is not answering his phone."

I stop and stand straight, "Uh, last I saw him was the 45th floor." I curse myself for giving Clyde the right floor, a small lapse in judgement, forgetting what I am about to do.

Clyde nods and tries again but for that floor. I run around the corner and spot the car that is now unlocked. I gawk at the deep red car that is safely tucked into its own corner. It looks brand new, shiny and sporty. I click the keys again to make sure it's the right car. It lights up and makes a small clicking noise. I race over and climb in, the new car smells oddly comforting. The last thing I wanted was a well-used car that smells like them and their smoke mixed with rich cologne or worse, one that has my smell mingled and twined with theirs.

I throw my backpack into the seat next to me and start the engine. Just as I do so, Clyde shouts across the garage, "Stop her! Ren did not give clearance!"

Panic floods me as I watch the men run towards the gate, shutting it slowly. I throw the car into drive and floor it to the exit. I yelp at how fast I am suddenly going, needing to take my foot off the gas pedal when my head slams back into the seat. The tires squeal against the slick floor beneath me, announcing my arrival for the oncoming traffic I quickly approach. The men jump out of my path as I skid onto the dark street, heading west, deeper into the city. Thankfully it is late in the night so not many cars are out on the road. As I race past walkers, they all stare and gawk at the car I am driving. I'm guessing this isn't a good car to drive if I wanted to hide. I turn down different streets, avoiding the main roads in case his security team is after me.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now