Allegiance - Kylo's POV

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My eyes glaze over with lust as I watch the tip of my cock throb against her tongue. Such a good little girl, simply needing the attitude fucked out of her. I can do that for her any day. Hell, I may just piss her off more often so I can do just that.

She eagerly walks with me as we head to Dukes. I blink away the haze that formed in my vision when I came into her mouth. I need a clear head for what I am about to do. I notice her small hands twist in front of her as she looks at them. I gently grab her wrists and lift them into vision. They are red and indented from the brick wall I just fucked her against. I brush my thumb over them, riding small grains of dust, before leaning down and pressing my lips lightly against her tender palms. I place them back on my arm as we enter the restaurant.

The woman up front never glances at us, "Hi, reservations?"

I scan the room for anyone I could recognize, "Ren for 6:45 tonight."

My focus turns back on the woman when she answers, "I'm sorry sir, it is now 7pm."

I grit my teeth, annoyed with this incompetent woman, "Kylo Ren at 6:45."

Realization washes over her face, "Yes, of course sir. I apologize, right this way."

I follow her to the usual spot towards the back, Scarlett still clinging to me. I pull out her chair, allowing her to sit first. I push her in, tucking her into the safest corner of the room. I take the seat next to her instead of across from her.

Once the woman leaves, Scarlett giggles, "Does everyone across the world know who you are?"

I turn to her, "Not everybody-" my eyes land on him and I stop talking, letting Scarlett know that someone is approaching us.

"Ren! Always so fashionably late, aren't we?" Dooku walks towards our table.

I stand and meet him before he spots Scarlett behind me and can approach her first, "Dooku, how are you?"

She needs to understand he is not a threat until we make him one.

Dooku smiles and grabs my shoulders, "Island life, Ren. Seems to be making you glow as well."

I watch his eyes travel to Scarlett, "And who is this?"

She stands and smiles, "Hi, my name is-"

I cut her off as I step to her side, "This is Astra."

She does a decent job at hiding the confused face I know she is dying to make. I smile at her to reassure her it's okay.

Dooku speaks up, "Ah, of the stars."

I wrap my arm around her waist, tucking her slightly behind me, "We came for pleasure, no business."

Dooku shakes his head, "I know Ren and he is never not working."

I grind my teeth together as I fake a smile, forcing my eyes to look away. Dooku has plans and I refuse to involve Scarlett in them. She is an innocent bystander who needs no part of this. A minor inconvenience that she had to join this dinner but she is safer here with me than alone elsewhere on the island.

Dooku faces Scarlett, "Astra, would you mind if I borrowed him for just a few moments?"

She doesn't answer so I gently pinch her hip, letting her know I'm fine and she will be fine.

"Of course," she answers before sitting back in her seat.

I release a breath; thankful he is pulling me away from her so she doesn't hear or see anything. As he leads me out of the room, he immediately begins to inform me of tonight and tomorrow's plans. I nod, listening.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now