The Meeting

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I arrive at work earlier than normal. The meeting will begin around 9am so I take no risks with traffic. I lightly jog to my office to clock in, drop my stuff off, and make sure that I have everything ready for the morning. I check over my black slim fitted suit, my hair, and double check my heels for any scuff marks. I take a few deep breaths before heading to the elevator.

I make sure to arrive at the meeting room roughly ten minutes early. There is no chance I'm showing up late and making myself look incompetent in front of all these people without giving myself a chance to prove them wrong.

The room is the size of the whole floor. One large glass rectangular table sits in the middle of the room. The floors are a deep grey tile while the walls are white wherever a floor to ceiling window does not sit. It is painfully bright. My eyes had to adjust once I stepped off the elevator. Downfall to the room being on the 45th floor, I guess. Glancing out the window closest to me, I feel like I am floating in the clouds. If you squint hard enough, you can make out the tops of other skyscrapers but otherwise, it feels like we are sitting on top of the world. My knees get shaky from realizing how high up we truly are and I take a step closer to a wall without a window.

I stand off to the side of the room pretending to be checking emails on my phone. In reality, I'm waiting for them to take their seats and then I will casually fall into any available seat remaining. Another tip I learned throughout the years, people have their seats and people get upset when they can't have their seat.

I glance around the room, judging each and every single one of them. I count ten men and two women, not including myself. The first thing I notice is that I am significantly younger than everyone in the room. Everyone looks to be about forty or older. I recognize the two women from Ana's floor. They must be human resources management or something like that.

I wish Ana was here.

Out of the men, not a single one looks familiar. I never crossed them in the elevators, hallways, or even out in the parking lot.

A voice clears itself, "You may be seated."

I watch all twelve employees sit in what seems like a normal fashion. I count seven seats open on the far end of the table. Three on each side and one at the head of the table. I gulp knowing what is about to fill those seats. I nervously glance around and realize there must be a missing chair because only those seven remain open. All the other seats are filled.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

The group is now watching me as I scramble in my head for possible solutions. I can run down the stairs to the floor beneath us and carry a chair all the way back up and pray I beat Mr. Ren. I can stand here and pretend I don't need a chair but look like a loser or I can run away. I can say goodbye to the company and never look back.

My stomach turns into a knot when I subconsciously feel my feet walk me closer to the table. I sit in the chair closest to the rest of the group with my back to the elevator.

"Alright, let's begin." The man that announced for us to sit stands and starts up the projector that is now reflecting on a wall in front of me.

I look around nervously before squeaking, "Shall we wait for Mr. Ren?" My voice is weaker than normal. I hate it.

"I forgot- you're new." The man drags the last word out like it's a struggle to acknowledge me.

I nod my head, ponytail gently swaying on my back, "Yes, sir. My name is Scarlett Steele and I will be filling in as the data analysts this morning."

He faces the projector again and simply states, "Mr. Ren joins us after we get the boring statistics out of the way."

I nod afraid to speak again and sit back in my chair. The next hour is filled with mumbling on losses between the government funds and charity. I suppose both are good since no one seems too concerned. I also never knew that Bank of Ren works with charities, interesting.

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