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A throbbing in my right temple drags me out of a deep sleep. I lift my arm to block out the bright light shining through my eyelids but it isn't moving. I look down to see my arm wrapped and strapped down to a rail on the bed. I sit up, panic setting in. I try my other arm to see it also has been strapped and tied to the opposite rail. I look around, noticing I am in a hospital room. The walls are all white, the tile on the floor is white, and I have an IV running from a bag of saline into my arm.

"Hello?" I look down to see I am still dressed in the clothes I was wearing before I blacked out. "Is anybody there?"

I hear footsteps and gasp when Kylo opens the door, "What are you doing here?"

Kylo is dressed in a black suit, perfectly tailored to his body. It accentuates his slim waist and broad chest. My stomach tightens as he enters through the door. He is ungodly attractive but so cruel. His hand looks better from when I bit him. I also don't see any bruising or cuts on his lip from when I hit him so I am a little relieved.

He walks into the room, shutting the door behind him, "You're back at my place."

I look around the room, "We're not in a hospital?"

"No," he shakes his head. "You are on the medical floor. Floor sixteen where you first met Kuruk."

I nod and lift my arm, "Why did you strap me down?"

Kylo stands next to the bed and undoes the restraints on each wrist, "You ran. I figured you would run again. Do you know how bad it looks on me to have a distraught bloody girl running away from my building?"

Avoiding his question, I rub my wrists, noticing I have friction burns on each one.

The reality of life slams into me as I lose my breath, "Get away from me."

Kylo stands still looking down at me, "Why did you run?"

"Because you all are psychopaths! Ap'lek told me you all have been messing with me for the past five years!" I sit up in the bed, ready to get away if I need to.

Kylo rubs his jaw, watching me, "Run, you won't get far this time."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise." He takes a step to the side, allowing me to stare at my only chance, the single exit door in this room.

I stay still, knowing I wouldn't make it past him.

He gives me a minute before dragging a chair next to my bed, "Good girl."

I watch him carefully, making sure he keeps his distance.

"Who took you to that house yesterday morning?"


"It is," he glances at his watch, "7pm, Monday."

"What happened to me?" I show him my IV while gently touching my aching skull.

He stares at my arm with the IV, "We are trying to figure that out. We found you at a random house outside the city, unconscious, bloody, and alone. Anything you can remember will help."

I freeze as my memory slowly comes back to me, "I went home and I asked Tate for help."

"His name is Tate?" Kylo sits up, getting closer to me.

I nod, "Yes, he- I thought he was my friend."

Kylo's foot begins tapping gently, "What else can you tell me about him?"

"He has worked at my condo as security since I have lived there. That's really it- oh, he drives a silver Lexus."

Kylo nods, encouraging me to remember anything, "Did he say who's house he was taking you to?"

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now