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(TW! - mentions of abuse)

A gentle knock on the door forces my eyes to open. I inhale sharply and sit up, not remembering exactly where I am until a few blinks later as the sunny room comes into vision. My heart races as I scan the room and the bed, the confusion still lingering in my groggy mind as to everything that happened yesterday. Kylo's room is clean besides the small couch across the room that stares at me. I try to picture his large body asleep on it and the image pains me.

Another knock and a voice calls out softly, "Scarlett, it's Phasma."

Relief rushes me as I hold my chest, feeling my heart pounding, "Oh, come in."

The door slowly inches open as Phasma steps into the room, shutting the door behind her. I smooth my messy hair and smile at her as she approaches with a medical bag, "I didn't mean to startle you." Her eyes scan me and then the room, "How are you feeling, hun?"

I sit up in bed with my back against the headboard and mirror, allowing Phasma to sit on the edge beside me, "Much better than yesterday."

Her head nods as she looks through her medical bag, "Good. I just need to take a few vitals to make sure everything is healing accordingly." I watch as she lays a paper cloth across my lap and pulls out several instruments, laying them on the paper, "I just need you to remove your sweatshirt."

Slipping off the hoodie, I cover myself and watch as Phasma washes her hands in the bathroom before beginning her examination. The blood pressure cuff tightens and she smiles at the number, jotting it down in her notebook before taking it off and placing the thermometer under my tongue. Her cool hands run down my throat, "A little bit of swelling but you have been talking haven't you?"

I nod as she keeps rubbing over the tender skin saying, "Expected but keep your voice low and short sentences, okay? Also, drink lots of fluids and preferably stick to your liquid diet today as your throat strengthens itself. It will help avoid additional irritation." She removes the thermometer and quickly writes down the temperature along with a few more notes.

"Kylo?" I glance around the room to notice his phone and other belongings are gone.

"He headed up to the bank today to deal with a few things there but he will be back tonight," she grabs a wooden stick and leans forward, "tongue out."

I stick out my tongue as she examines my throat with a small light while she explains, "I will be out of town for a few days but I will be easy to reach. You can text me, call me, or have any of the men contact me. I also have Ahsoka on your case while I am gone so she will be visiting to check in and take your vitals daily, okay?"

Once she removes the stick, I swallow thickly, "Okay."

Phasma must sense my uneasiness as she tries to reassure me, "I will only be gone for five days. I legally must go to this conference to keep my medical license. You're safe, Scar."

I nod, staring out of the window. Everyone keeps saying that and they are right to an extent since Enzo is dead and gone but that's not what scares me anymore. It's me. I am my biggest threat.

"Any questions?" Phasma clears my lap of the tools and goes to wash her hands again.

"Am I home alone today?" I slip Kylo's hoodie back on and take a sip of the water that sits next to the bed.

Phasma chuckles as she dries her hands, "I meant any medical questions." My eyes meet hers as she exits the bathroom and she loses her smile, "No, you are not home alone today. As far as I know only Kylo, Vicrul, Ap'lek, and Trudgen are out."

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