Let Me Watch - Both POV's

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I run down the stairs of the plane and towards the six men standing outside of their cars.

"Oh my god, hi!" I shout as they all smile at me.

Vicrul steps up first, "Hey, angel." He hugs me and twirls me, lifting me off the ground for a moment.

Kuruk smiles and hugs me quickly, "How was it?"

I smile and hug Ap'lek who is oddly quiet, "It was amazing. Look at my tan." I pull up the sleeve of my sweater to show him my arm.

The men turn quiet as their eyes focus behind me. I stop and turn, meeting Kylo's gaze as he approaches us. His face has twisted back into that stern scowl, never revealing the fun him and I just had the last week. He suddenly looks so official. The scary killer I know better than my snorkel buddy.

Trudgen steps past me, "Ren. Let's take a ride."

I watch as Kylo barely glances towards me, stepping into the first parked SUV. I can feel the life drain from my body as Kylo gets in with Cardo and Ushar as Trudgen pulls out of the lot without a goodbye.

"Let's get you home," Ap'lek finally speaks up before getting into the other SUV.

I drag my feet towards the car as Vicrul opens the car door for me, Kuruk sitting up front with Ap'lek. I buckle myself in and rest my head against the cold window as we head home.

"Come," Vicrul wraps his hand around my shoulders and gently pulls. I allow him as he leans my body against his. I sigh as I breathe in his musky cologne, muscles unwinding as he gently rubs my arm.

"What did you do while I was gone?" I look up to Vicrul.

He smirks down at me, "The usual."

I huff a laugh as he kisses the top of my head, "Is being vague a requirement to being in the mafia?"

Kuruk laughs and looks back at Vicrul and I, "No, but apparently being stupid is."

Vicrul leans up and hits Kuruk's shoulder, "Shut the fuck up."

We pull into the parking garage and I eagerly get out of the car and head towards the elevator. The men stay behind talking and grabbing luggage out of the back of the trunk. I press the 70th floor and sigh as I am met with an empty floor, as usual. I laugh loudly when I spot a clear shot waiting for me on the kitchen table. I'll have to thank Cardo later for that one. I throw back the shot with a hiss, the burn warming me up. I immediately head upstairs to start the shower, always feeling yucky after traveling.

A soft gasp leaves my throat when my reflection catches across the room. I slowly approach the bed, studying the large ornate mirror now hanging behind the bed, replicating the hotel back in Hawaii. My cheeks bloom pink as the memories and butterflies flood my mind and body. The way he took me in front of the mirror over and over again, forcing me to watch how I unraveled in his touch. The way I would do or say anything to have more of him right now. The way I don't recognize the person staring back at me, as if I am a completely different person around him or while he is inside me.

So, this was his surprise for me? I laugh, rolling my eyes.

I force myself back into the bathroom, stepping into the hot water. Soon after, I cannot tell where the heat of the water and my blushing begin and stop. The time change is really kicking my ass now that we are home. I lay in bed after admiring Kylo's sweet gesture that now hangs behind the bed frame one last time, tucking myself in as my eyes grow heavier with sleep.

The door slams open as Vicrul sprints in before jumping on top of me. I laugh as the wind gets knocked out of me as he sprawls across me, "Think I'd let you come up here and sleep before I gave you your present?"

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now