I Want You

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We walk down the beach, heading back to our hotel room. The sun has fully set, dim lights placed sporadically in the palm trees are the only lights to guide us back. The beach is empty besides a few people walking or sitting in the sand. Kylo holds his dress shoes and my heels in one hand as I cling onto his opposite arm. The sand is much harder to walk in after two bottles of wine in the dark.

"How are you not," I hiccup, "drunk?"

Kylo huffs a laugh and holds me against him as we slowly walk, "I am feeling it, don't worry."

I bend down to pick up a piece of white coral sticking out of the sand, "My favorite wine in the world is whatever we just drank."

"I'll remember that," he watches as I pick it up and toss it back down.

I giggle, "That was also the best meal my tongue has ever tasted."

He stares at me, "I think it would be my second favorite."

"Second?" I look up to him, "What's your first favorite?"

His eyes darken in the moonlight as he looks at me, "I haven't tasted it yet but I know it would be exquisite."

My mouth slightly parts in surprise as he stares down at me with a burning I recognize from the elevator back home. I suddenly feel warmer, skin slightly sticky from the heat. My heart races as his lips turn into a devilish grin, noticing my demeanor changing. I feel a throb begin between my thighs, demanding attention. Demanding to be heard instead of being brushed off like I have been for the last month. I stare at his lips. He doesn't move as I step closer to him.

"Then taste it," I press my chest against him as I stand on my tiptoes.

My lips meet his, the wine on his breath making me groan. He tastes better than I remember. I hear him drop our shoes into the sand as he reaches down and digs his hands into my flesh. Our tongues glide over one another, fighting for dominance. I give in and allow him to explore. His lips are soft and full against mine. I feel his hands run down my hips and grab onto my ass. A sharp gasp leaves me breathless as he tugs me into his body, feeling his hard length against my hip. I run my fingers through his hair, slightly tugging, needing more. He senses it and picks me up, allowing me to wrap my legs around his body. He slowly lowers us into the sand, uncaring where the sand ends up on our bodies.

His lips break away from mine and explores down my neck, harsh but not rushed. He reaches my chest and kisses down my sternum.

I moan, "Kylo."

My fingers dig into his back, wishing his shirt wasn't in the way. He gently pulls down a strap off my shoulder and kisses my shoulder. I groan while wrapping my legs around him, desperate to get him closer. Desperate for him.

I hiccup and giggle, "Sorry."

I feel his lips leave my skin and I sit up as he gets off from on top of me, "What is it?"

Kylo stands and adjusts himself before offering a hand to me, "Let's go."

I squint and grab his hand, "Okay."

The rest of the walk back to the hotel room is silent as well as the elevator ride. Once we enter our room, I ask, "Did I do something wrong?"

He shakes his head and undresses, "No."

"Is it... me?" I ask, nervously.

Kylo slips his pants off and shakes off the sand, "You're drunk."

"We are drunk but I am able to say yes or no," I approach him, "that back there was me saying yes."

His eyes narrow on mine, "I will not take you under an altered state of mind."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now