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The room is silent besides my fitful coughing and Kuruk's shoes pacing back and forth outside of the room. Ap'lek waits in the doorway for Phasma, Trudgen leans against the counter watching Kylo, and Kylo remains standing next to the bed. I spit into the cup Kylo handed me, a small pool of blood gathering at the bottom of it.

I slosh the blood around as fear builds, "Kylo, I'm scared. What's happening?"

Kylo shakes his head while wiping the corners of my mouth free of blood with my towel, "I don't know, Angel. Phasma will be here any minute."

My hand shakes as I cough again, the pain becoming worse with each force of exertion. Trudgen sits up from the counter and shouts, "Ren! Her nose!"

Kylo looks down at me and his eyes grow wide as he presses his hand to my nostrils, "Lean forward, Scar."

I grip his wrist as he pinches my nose, forcing my head forward. The sudden smell of copper makes me light headed as I spot the blood trickling off of Kylo's hand and dripping onto the bed. My eyes flutter shut as I feel queasy, head pounding.

Kylo yells, "Where the fuck is she!?"

Trudgen adjusts the towel still wrapped around my body to make sure I am still covered as the other men step in, ready to help.

Vicrul walks over, squatting beside the bed so he can see me, "What hurts, little one?"

I blink away the tears and muffle, "Everything."

Vicrul reaches up and pats my leg gently, "Phasma said she just pulled into the garage."

I nod slightly, restricted by Kylo who is holding my nose and the back of my head. Vicrul stands and grabs everyone besides Trudgen and Kylo. The room is silent besides my abnormal breathing through my mouth.

Phasma rushes in, dropping her stuff outside the room, "Move!"

Trudgen takes a step back but Kylo doesn't let go of me.

Phasma wraps a blood pressure cuff around my arm and runs it as she examines my body, "Don't speak yet or else I won't get an accurate reading. What did you take within the last 12 hours? Food, medicine, drinks. What was your activity level? What hurts?"

My mind races as I think of all the answers. She reads the cuff and she pales, "Ren, let go of her."

Kylo hesitates for just a moment before taking a step back. I feel the cuff automatically start again, tightening around my arm for the second time. My body hurts and my head throbs as I try to remember her questions. The cuff starts to loosen its hold on me and then beeps.

Phasma mutters, "82 over 60."

Ren swears as she writes it down, "Shit."

As she undoes the cuff I say, "Normal medicine, only water, and I had a tantrum of throwing things."

Ren stares down at me before looking up to Phasma, "Scarlett exerted a lot of force throwing light objects at me."

Phasma nods and pats the bed, "Lie down for me, Scarlett. Please step out of the room." Her focus narrows at Kylo.

Kylo shakes his head at the same time I do, "I want him to stay."

Phasma doesn't argue, "I don't have time to fight. The minute you step out of line Ren, you leave."

His eyes narrow at her as his lips thin. She nods and asks, "May I?" She lightly tugs the towel wrapped around me.

I nod as she exposes my top half, rolling the towel to rest along my hips. I wince as she prods my stomach, noticing swelling within seconds of looking. I cough into the nook of my arm and notice the blood is starting to look darker. She checks my temperature, noticing it has significantly dropped despite how sweaty I am. My hands have a slight tremble every time I cover a cough so I try my best to not lift my arms.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now