Vows - Kylo's POV

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I feel the thunder cracking under my flesh, watching Scarlett weigh her options. The power inside of me ripples as her silence tells me she is truly debating which route she wants to go. Her face twists with thought as she weighs her options, knowing the risks but also the benefits. The moment she lets her old self slip away... I just know I can make her past pains also slip away. My fists clench over and over again with anticipation as her eyes slowly drag up to meet my own.

"I said I'm ready," her voice lacks any weariness, voice drenched in confidence.

A breath loosens from my chest. I could collapse from relief. She will become meaner than her demons. She will never know pain again. Everyone will fear her. I'll teach her our ways.

"Lose the boxers," I keep my voice stern even though I just want to hold her and tell her how proud I am of her.

Without hesitation, she bends at the waist and slides my boxers off of her body, leaving them in a puddle on the floor. She stands to her full height, awaiting my next demand. I take in the sight of her bare body. I feel myself harden and push against my tight suit pants, my body begging me to drop this and take her for myself. The smirk she wears tells me she also sees it, her eyes trained on my crotch. I don't reprimand her smirk, allowing her to enjoy herself since she deserves it. Any other member of my gang would be screaming with missing fingers but her punishment will vary. The men will understand the circumstance.

"Listen closely," I run my fingertips up her stomach, between her breasts, and to her chin, "tonight will be your initiation into our affiliation."

She doesn't nod, only blinks. I take that as my cue to continue explaining, "There will be no safe word to stop. You must continue obeying me and finish the task completely through."

Her eyes widen and I see a question stirring so I nod, allowing her to ask it.

"What if I cannot finish?" Her voice is quiet but not scared.

The corners of my lips turn up in a soft smile, "Trust me, you will."

Her head bows in understanding, so I continue, "After tonight, your life will strictly belong to me and to you, no one else. The Scarlett you currently know will cease to exist. You feel reborn? Let's resurrect this bitch."

A wickedly delicious smile forms along her lips and I reflect it before pushing her hair back over her shoulder, exposing more of her to me. I reach into my pocket and grab my phone, sending out a text to Vicrul as I glance to Scar, "This process can be long or short, the decision is yours to make tonight."

She nods once and I send the text to Vicrul. I study her body in pure silence, her shallow breaths the only sound in the room. Every inhale pumps life into my blood. I narrow my eyes to her chest, near her neck and notice the glitter everywhere.

"You must shower before we begin," I run a finger through the glitter and barely any transfers but I still cannot allow it despite how incredible it looks on her soft flesh, "get this shit off."

Her eyebrows scrunch but I give her a look to tell her this is non-negotiable. Her safety has been and will always remain my number one priority. I slowly get to my knees in front of her, gently unfastening the gun that is squeezing her plush thigh. It drops to the ground and I remain on my knees in front of her. My hands glide over her thighs, resting on her hips. My eyes stare up at her, resting my chin just above her sweet spot. Pink stains her cheeks as my stare lingers, appreciating her beauty. It has been far too long since I have held her and simply appreciated her up close. The soft curves of her warm body mold into my palms as her now dark hair elegantly swoops around her gentle face. I appreciate the dip in her chin and how her nose slightly turns up, speckled with faint freckles that have long faded since our trip together. My chest feels tight as I study her, truly seeing her.

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