My Angel - Kylo's POV

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Kitten? The nickname kitten threatens to make me reach back and pull out the Maxim 9 pistol from my waistband and blow his fucking head off of his body. Threatens to make me implode this entire building with only my voice. The name kitten rings in my ears, making a soured taste of pure disgust linger on my tongue. I stare at him with false boredom as he looks me up and down before glancing to his right. To her. My angel.

Her eyes widen the slightest when we meet each other's gaze for the first time in over a week. Her pupils dilate before blowing wide, turning her eyes black. Her face leaves me breathless, almost forgetting how truly beautiful she is. If I was standing, I would have collapsed to my knees. I would have collapsed to her feet and would have kissed every inch, begging for forgiveness. How utterly foolish I was to be so harsh on her.

I hate myself.

I stare at her, studying her different demeanor. She looks so timid and small unlike when she was with my men and I. She would hold her head high and carry herself with such an arrogant confidence that I wanted to bow down at her feet and allow her to rule us. My mouth dries in anxiousness as her eyes quickly divert to the floor. I want to scream, "Look at me!" I bite my tongue to the point of severing off the tip to keep my mouth shut. A hint of copper in my mouth forces me to lick the blood off my teeth and swallow.

The silence is deafening as Enzo waits for my response. I flick my eyes back up to him and lean back in my seat to taunt, "Kittens usually purr... do they not?"

Enzo visibly turns rigid but quickly hides it with a fake laugh, "Not when they are feral."

Trudgen says into my earpiece, "Relax. Ignore his insults."

My upper lip threatens to pull back and expose my teeth in anger as his grimy hand grips Scarlett's neck. Her chest rises in a sudden breath, eyes shutting. My sore tongue runs along the front of my teeth, feeling my saliva thicken with adrenaline and sickness. Her cheeks turn the faintest pink as she scans the lounge area before pressing a hand to her stomach. I make note of the area and watch as she takes deep breaths. Is she hurt? Something is off even though she looks well. My eyes roam over her exposed skin to look for any marks, cuts, bruises, or burns. Something doesn't sit right with me when I see untouched skin. The worst thoughts run through my mind and I know I need to get our plan started so she can get out of here as quickly as possible.

I click my tongue and look to Enzo, "Anything can be tamed if properly cared for."

Enzo smirks, taking a seat across from me, "I lack the patience." I sip from my glass as Scarlett listens to his demand, sitting in his lap. "Enough of her. I was disappointed you did not want me to join the alliance with Kit, Chew, Mark, Palp, and yourself." His face turns harsh as he studies the room before turning back to me, noting some of my men and the lack of some.

I finish my drink, studying him before saying, "We collectively agreed to kindly extend the offer for one more year." At least once he's dead, Palp will stop pressing for him to join us.

Enzo stares at the champagne bottle before snapping. The noise causes me to sit straighter, allowing Rey to stand and fill him a glass. I watch the way his eyes roam over Rey's gowned body, already seeing his sick thoughts play in his mind. I clench my empty fist and raise it to my mouth.

He takes the glass from Rey, purposely touching her hand while grabbing it, "Take notes, kitten."

There's that stupid fucking name again, kitten. Scarlett's cheeks warm again with a faint pink as Enzo's men laugh, especially the man named Greedo to her left. Her gaze stays low as he sips and bullshits with his men for a few seconds, allowing me to watch her. Her breathing is unsteady and her throat bobs over and over again as if trying to swallow more air down. It is taking everything in my body to stay in place to not scoop her up and carry her far away. I would carry her across the world if it meant her safety.

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