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"What's this about?" Ushar casually strolls off of the elevator and into my empty floor while studying his watch as if he has somewhere to be that is far more important. My eyes roll but focus on the other men directly behind him.

Cardo follows behind him, cigar pinched between his large fingers and the other hand holding a short glass of amber liquid. Ap'lek undoes his tie from around his neck, setting it on the kitchen table he passes before sitting in the living room with Kuruk right behind him. The last person out of the elevator is Vicrul, no smirk in sight. My breath hitches in my throat as his eyes scan my body, head to toe. His stare meets mine and I quickly look away to watch the others sit down. What happened the other night with Vicrul still leaves fluttering in my stomach at the thought of his touch. I remember when Kylo used to touch me like that, non-stop.

Distracting myself, I point to Cardo, "No smoking on my floor."

Cardo chuckles and drops the cigar into the liquor glass before setting it on the table between us.

I clear my voice as they all sit in a corner of the couches and wait, "I'm sorry about the other night." I purposely glance to Vic first before Ap'lek and the rest. "I feel stupid for how I acted and what my actions caused."

Ushar crosses his legs and tucks his phone away, "You did not invite us to apologize."

Heat rises up my neck as I feel a blush creep across my cheeks, "No, I did not."

Ushar's answering nod and silence gives me the floor to talk. My stare lingers on him as I try to understand him... out of all of the men, he is the only one who seems disinterested in me no matter what I do. Everyone has seemed to accept me into this life besides him. I gulp as the silence in the room builds tension.

"I can't do what Kylo demands of me. If I do, it will kill me." I chew my lower lip and tuck my legs under me. A cold chill creeps down my spine as I feel Vicrul's stare dig into me, long gone the soft and gentle version of him I got last night. I should be relieved but...

"You are asking us to disobey Ren's command?" Ap'lek raises an eyebrow as he observes me.

My shoulders lift into a half shrug as I chew on my bottom lip, "I am more so asking you to listen to me. Staying in here as I was recovering was the best possible way to heal. Now that I am somewhat back to my normal self, I would like to take on work or help around the bank or attend meetings. Honestly, anything would make me happy right now as long as I am able to go out in public and see actual people and do actual things."

Cardo pulls his hair up into a messy bun as he huffs a breath, "Sick of our faces already?"

I side glance him with a serious face, "No, but I am sick of seeing my face and hearing my voice only. My thoughts are so..." I ponder for the right word to try and explain my feelings.

Vicrul's deep voice cuts the room's silence, "Loud?"

Continuing to abuse my bottom lip with my teeth, I nod. Vicrul doesn't move as I study him. He is obviously not intimidated by my stare as I am his.

"What are you asking of us then?" Ushar draws my attention away from Vicrul.

I think about it for a moment and suggest, "Convince Kylo. Convince him I will be safe and that I will behave."

Ap'lek scrubs his jaw, "You go on business meetings with us, you become the knight's whore again. Ren's toy. Our plaything. Enemy eyes will focus on you again."

My throat constricts for a moment as I try to swallow my nerves, "I know. Except, this time I want to contribute more than my ass in stilettos. Let me talk to the men like I did when we met Kit, Chew, Palp, and Mark. I can still be pretty to look at and stay near you but let me work for you."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now