Happy New Year

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The ride over to my parents' house was extremely nostalgic. Besides the man driving the car. Kylo asked for the address and punched it into his phone before leaving the airport. He rented us a large black Escalade so we can travel efficiently in the snow which I am grateful for because there is a shit ton of snow. It makes me miss being crammed in the back of this car with Vicrul and Kuruk on our nights out though. Who would've thought that those men back in New York would grow on me so quickly.

"We're here," Kylo turns off the navigation as we pull into the driveway.

I stare at the house that I grew up in. It looks nice, well-kept considering my parents are getting older. I chew my lip, nervously. The porch that usually is styled with black wicker chairs is now clear for the winter. The flower beds leading up to the door are dead, covered with at least a foot of fresh snow, untouched and bright white. The driveway is shoveled as well as a path up to the house, welcoming Kylo and I in.

Kylo glances towards me, "You alright?"

"I'm fine. Leave the luggage right now." I glance at him before swinging open my door.

He listens and steps out, following me up the steps to the front door. I smooth my hair and make sure my clothes are alright. I feel his hand slide into mine. I stare down at our interlaced fingers. He hasn't held my hand since that morning after the terrible Christmas Party when I needed him. I stare a little longer at our hands touching, soaking in the feeling.

"You look beautiful," he quietly says before knocking on the door.

The door swings open moments later, revealing my mom, "Scarlett!"

She steps through the door frame to meet us outside and wraps her arms tightly around me.

"Hi mom," I smile as I hug her back.

"Oh honey, we have missed you so much." She rocks back and forth still holding onto me tightly.

"I missed you guys too," I take a step back. "Mom, this is Kylo."

Kylo takes a step forward and embraces her in a hug. She smiles wide, wrapping her arms around his large frame. He squeezes gently before stepping back, "A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Steele."

My mom smiles up at him, "Oh, please call me Nomi."

Kylo nods once, "I can do that."

I hear footsteps through the house before my dad appears.

He steps out onto the front porch to greet us, "Hey, Scarlett." He wraps his arms around me briefly before directing his attention towards Kylo, "Boyfriend?"

Kylo nods, extending his hand, "Kylo."

My dad shakes his hand and smiles, "Nice to meet you, Kylo."

"Likely." Kylo takes a step back to my side, "I'll let you guys catch up while I make a quick phone call and grab the luggage."

I nod smiling at him before he leans down and presses a quick peck on the side of my head. I blush watching him walk back to the car. I have to admit, I love pretending he is my boyfriend right now.

"Come inside, it's freezing." Mom urges me into the house with dad.

"Well isn't he a looker," mom whispers once she shuts the door.

I laugh, "He is cute, huh?"

My mom nods and leads me into the kitchen, "And oh so tall. They don't make them like that in Michigan."

My dad huffs, "You found me in Michigan."

She laughs and hits his arm, "Of course, daddy."

I sit at the kitchen table as she grabs us all waters, "So how was the trip? Pretty last minute huh? They must've had some great deals on tickets I bet."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now