No Suit Pants

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(capo dei capi: "boss of all [the] bosses" is a phrase used mainly by the media, public and the law enforcement community to indicate a supremely powerful crime boss in the Sicilian or American Mafia who holds great influence over the whole organization.)

I wake up the next morning to a missed text.

"Unknown number: Be ready by 9am. Car will be waiting outside."

My stomach drops realizing he wants me to start today. I haven't had even 24 hours to process everything and he is already demanding shit. I lay in bed until I am forced to get up. I groan, rolling out of bed to my 7am alarm.

I hop into the shower, ready to lock myself in there for a solid hour. I don't emerge until I am forced to. I dress in black skin tight suit pants, a black tank top and a black suit jacket. I slip on my black Hermes heels, feeling confident in these.

I check my phone, having only a half hour left. I leave my hair down and straighten it to knock out the frizz from the heat in my condo. I add minimal but enough makeup to make me look alive. I double check that the mascara I put on is waterproof since I have cried every time I have dealt with Mr. Ren. I'm not ready to look like a raccoon again in front of these men.

The phone dings at exactly 9am. I take a deep breath and head down the stairs, out into the real world. I pause as soon as I step on the sidewalk and stare at the large blacked out Cadillac Escalade. The windows are so tinted that I would never approach it without knowing who is sitting inside. Luckily, the man I met yesterday named Ap'lek is standing outside in a suit. His arms are crossed in front of him, so official. I roll my eyes and walk towards him. He is absolutely gorgeous up close. His hair is a dark auburn brown that curls loosely down to his shoulders. His eyes are piercing and scary considering what I learned about him yesterday. I avoid eye contact as I approach him.

"Ms. Steele," he opens the back door behind the passenger side.

I slide past him and climb in, tucking my purse onto my lap. I sit back and watch Ap'lek walk around the back of the car and hop into the driver's seat.

"Ms. Steele."

I jump at the sound of Mr. Ren's voice. I didn't even see him sitting there in the passenger seat in front of me.

"Mr. Ren," I retort.

The car ride is silent besides Mr. Ren talking on the phone. I listen, trying to piece together something.

"I said tonight. Eight and no later. Mhm. I don't give a shit. Then the deal is off. Remember what happened last time. Mhm."

I give up knowing he is keeping it vague on purpose in front of me. I roll my eyes and decide to pay attention to where we are going. We miss the turn to Bank of Ren and my heart sinks.

"We're not going to the bank today?"

Kylo holds his hand up in the air, telling me to shut up without having to say a word. My eyes glance towards Ap'lek as he glances at me through the rearview mirror. He shakes his head, letting me know, no bank.

I sink back into my seat and stay quiet for the rest of the short drive.

"A minute out."

I hear Mr. Ren hang up his cell before whispering to Ap'lek something so quiet, my strained ears can't pick it up in the silent car.


We pull into a large and gated parking garage that has three men guarding it. I sit up, watching them wave the car in without questioning. I look out the window and spot at least fifteen different cars. All different colors and models. None of them cost less than a hundred grand. The car parks and Ap'lek gets out at the same time as Mr. Ren. Kylo opens my door for me, allowing me to slide out and adjust myself before walking me towards an elevator.

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