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The warehouse is silent besides the footfall of mine and the seven deadly men behind me.

Kylo told me what to expect tonight. Kylo told me where he is located, who is here, and how he has been kept here for so long. The nerves of seeing Josh dissipated once I knew all the men were going with Kylo and I. Confidence coats my skin as I march through the empty rooms, heading towards the back where Kylo instructed he would be located. I stand tall in a black fitted suit, staring into the last room I entered, seeing a body slumped against a support beam of the building. Four men from Kylo's security team are positioned around the corners of the room, armed and watching us. Correction... watching Josh.

I inhale the cold air deeply, chills pebbling my skin as the scent off his blood and near death fills my lungs. I feel Kylo's presence against my back, letting me know he is right here with me. The quiet trickle of melting ice from outside is the only noise as I stare across the dark room, gathering myself.

I nod shallowly once, stepping through the door. The men follow behind me silently as I walk towards Josh, standing straight and keeping my head high. I pause right in front of him, my heels inches away from his filthy bare feet. Blood has stained the floor around him, lots of it. The scent of his filth threatens to curdle my stomach, making me nauseous but I hold it together.

Kylo stands beside me and speaks loudly for everyone to hear, "Mercy has come."

Josh coughs as he tries to laugh.

I speak clearly but softly, "Josh."

His coughing stops as he freezes, going still. I watch as his breathing turns shallow, never picking his head up to look up at me. Kylo nods once and Vicrul steps out of the group, walking to Josh's side. I watch as his tall, lean figure squats down, smirking up at me. I get butterflies as Vicrul licks his lips, his hand reaching out. My breathing deepens as Vicrul grips the back of Josh's head, ripping his neck back.

Josh stares up at me, his face barely recognizable. His eyes are swollen and purple, lip split in several areas, blood splattered across his once perfect skin, his blond hair now near black with dried blood and dirt. His eyes are hollow and sunken, the skin of his face curving to his skeletal structure. I have to hold myself back from turning away, disgusted at what he has turned into over the last few weeks under Kylo's care.

Kylo continues to stare at me, "The stage is yours, angel."

I nod and stare down at Josh, "You vile, evil, hateful monster."

Josh blinks once.

My blood begins to boil, "You deserve nothing but pain and suffering for what you did. How many other girls have you violated?"

I wait a moment, wanting an answer. He never even opens his mouth to try and defend himself.

"How many others?" I seethe through my teeth.

Kylo chimes in, "He won't answer, angel."

I drag my eyes to Kylo just as Vicrul speaks up, "Cat got his tongue." Vicrul purrs into Josh's ear, "Show her."

Josh sits motionless until Vicrul forces his jaw to pop open. I fight the urge to gasp as I am met with a bloody black hole, no tongue in sight. I lick my dry lips as I feel saliva build up in my mouth, feeling sick at the sight.

"Then I won't waste my time," I open my palm over to Kylo, demanding.

I feel the cold sleek metal of Kylo's knife press into my palm before I take the final step towards Josh. I hover over his legs, squatting down to be eye level with him. I twist the blade in my hand, admiring how clean and pretty it is. I knew it wouldn't stay clean for long once we got back from Hawaii. Although, Kylo said he would be honored if I used the knife first to take this pathetic man's life with it. Kylo said it would be more meaningful that way. I agreed.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now