You are Nothing

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The ride up to Ap'lek's floor is silent. I am lost in thought. My mind is racing and replaying everything that had just happened. I slide my eyes over to Ap'lek to see him staring at the floor, also lost in thought.

The elevator door opens to reveal a similar looking floor as the others I have been on. The flooring is light grey, almost white, and the walls that are not floor to ceiling windows are dark grey. The cabinets in the kitchen are white along with a kitchen table. The living room is sunken into the floor with three large couches facing a flat screen.

I step out of the elevator and watch as Ap'lek wheels my suitcase into the hallway off to the left. I follow him up a small winding staircase. It takes me to a second floor that overlooks the main floor with a black rail leading down the hallway. He opens the door at the end of the hallway, looking back at me.

Ap'lek sets my suitcase on his bed and opens it, "The bathroom is in here, on the right. I brought you some things to sleep in."

He stares at me, specifically my body. I look down, almost forgetting I was still wearing the dress he picked out. I nod and walk over to my suitcase, grabbing black cotton shorts and a black t-shirt. I change and take a wet washcloth to my skin, trying to get rid of the fine glitter that is stuck to my sweat beaded skin. I pull my hair back up in a high ponytail. I don't have enough energy to wipe off my makeup so I head back into the bedroom.

I freeze, realizing Ap'lek left. I walk to the door and peak down the hallway, but no one is there. It is quiet besides the low talking of a television from the lower level. I shut the door and look around the room. There is a large bed on the far wall, the bathroom to the right, and a large door to the left of that. I walk open and slowly pull open the door, revealing a large walk in closet. I take a slow step inside as a motion sensor light turns on. I walk around scanning all of his suits, shoes, shirts, ties, and belts. I open a few more drawers to find his comfy clothes such as t-shirts, sweats, shorts, and sweaters with jeans. I quietly slide the drawers shut and leave the closet. I walk across the room and pull back the curtains. There is a balcony outside with a yoga mat on one end and chairs on the other. I let the curtains fall back in place as I walk towards the bed.

I pull back the first large black blanket that is larger than necessary. It is unbelievably soft and already warm despite the winter air whipping around outside. I climb up onto the bed and pull the blanket over my body. I turn to face the door, unsure if I am safe or not. I have never seen Ap'lek so tense. I took him as the relaxed, fun one of the group. If he is nervous, I know I should be too.

I feel my eyes become heavy after a few minutes of lying here as my body slowly slows down and my mind stops racing.

My body turns rigid under the blanket as a loud boom wakes me up. I open my eyes to see I have turned over and I am now facing the balcony instead of the door. I hear footsteps enter the room, slowly.

"Get the fuck up," Kylo says each word low and slow, "now."

I slowly sit up, letting the blanket fall to my hips. I do not move an inch, terrified. Kylo is still dressed in his suit. What time is it? How long have I been asleep?

It's only Kylo standing there. No one else is with him. His eyes have a wild anger building up in them. He stares at me as his chest rises and falls quickly.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" He stops just in front of the bed.

My voice is shaky, "I was just trying to help."

"Help?! You have no idea what kind of position you put me in!" He shouts.

I can feel his voice rattle my chest. The sleepiness is slowly dissipating as reality hits me, remembering what happened tonight.

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