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We spent the rest of our last night in Hawaii ordering room service and eating in the pool as we watched the sunset from our balcony. Nothing in this world could compare to what I felt up there with Kylo as we talked. He was open and spoke of his past, answering any questions I had. His usual reserved self was gone for just last night and I soaked up every minute I was allowed.


"Was your grandfather really Lord Vader?" I chew my piece of pineapple in between words.

He gives a curt nod, "Yes. He was my grandfather." He narrows his eyes onto me, "How did you know?"

My stomach churns as I think about it, "I first heard the rumor from Josh. We went out for drinks before the bar with everyone else and he had some details about you that are rumored."

He stops chewing his food and stares off into the distance. Just under his right eye twitches as his jaw tightens, the vein in his neck protruding. Shit, he's pulling away from me.

I quickly continue, "Ap'lek confirmed it when he told me a story of when you two were younger."

Kylo's eyebrows raise in curiosity, "What story did he dare share?"

I will myself to relax, he isn't pulling away I guess. I giggle at his face but suddenly stop answering his question, "The night you went out against your grandfather's wishes."

Kylo nods, seemingly unfazed, "That happened quite often but I am going to guess that it was when we went to the pool hall?"

"Yeah," I take another bite of my fruit salad, "but we don't have to talk about that." The last thing I want is for him to pull back and put that damn mask on, hiding any sort of emotion.

"We can if you wish," he looks over to me just as the gentle wind pushes his hair. I stare at his sincere eyes as they scan my face. I would be absolutely stupid to not take him up on this offer.

"Who were they?" I try to act like it is no big deal as I focus on my food but I am dying on the inside to know more.

"The Marked Ones," he looks over at me.

My eyes meet his while my mouth drops open as I connect the dots, "Kuruk's gang?"

He nods, "Kuruk was too young to be there but he was recently initiated into his gang when it happened. I have heard of his name from meetings with my grandfather of informing who was new and who had died. The meetings happened monthly so his name at first blended with the rest."

I shake my head in disbelief, not knowing how to process this piece of information. He knew of Kuruk when they were teens? So many questions rise as I try to retain every word Kylo speaks.

He lifts his hand out of the water and shows me that huge red ruby sitting on his finger set in a black ring, "A blood ruby."

I stare at it, confused.

Kylo explains, "When they found out I lived after the beating, they sent this to my grandfather's house, addressed to me. When I opened the black velvet box, I knew what it meant for me. It's basically a promise to have my blood spilled again except, this time for death. I was the only person to ever receive this from them. I took that ruby with me to the jewelers when I was healed enough and made them forge it into a ring."

"Vicrul has one just like it." I am confused as to how Vicrul got one if Kylo was the only person to ever receive it. We both stare at the bright ruby resting on his finger for a moment before he drops his hand back under the pool water, avoiding my statement.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now