That's Business - Kylo's POV

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The phone next to my head violently vibrates, making me shoot out of bed. I glance at the caller ID to see my security calling.

"What?" I stand out of bed, dressing in whatever is closest to me.

"Security breach, sir. It was reported that Ap'lek is injured on the 59th floor."

I hang up without further explanation needed and sprint down my hall, the stairs, across my living room and to the emergency stairs. I hear footsteps on the staircase below me, my security team running up towards me. I sprint down the stairs, gripping the rail and pulling myself down, propelling me faster. I meet the security team just as I get to the 59th floor. I push past them and burst through the door.

I spot Ap'lek sitting at the kitchen table with a liquor bottle in his hand.

"Sir," the security team grabs my shoulder as I walk towards Ap'lek, "watch out."

I spot the glittering pieces of broken glass spread across the room. Blood is leading towards the stairs and towards Ap'lek.

I walk off to the side, avoiding the mess, "Ap'lek?"

"Hm?" He turns to look at me over his shoulder.

"What the fuck happened here?" I scan the dark room.

I approach Ap'lek, "Where is Scarlett?"

His eyes look defeated. My head shoots up towards the bedroom on the second floor. I sprint past the kitchen and living room, up the stairs and back towards his bedroom. It is empty, only the blanket remains from where I last laid her body a few hours ago.

I check the bathroom, the closet, and then the office before I hear my security team call for me, "Mr. Ren?"

"What?" I walk towards them, frustrated and panicked.

He says nervously, "She was the one to inform us of Ap'lek's injury. We last saw her in the parking garage."

"You're fucking kidding me! Call Trudgen and tell him!" I run past them leaping over the glass and back up the stairs to my floor.

I dial Vicrul's number and he answers right away, "Kylo? It's only like 5:30 in the morning, what's up-"

"Get the fuck up and meet me downstairs. Strap up," I hang up as I run to my room and dress as quickly as I can.

I tuck my G19 gun into my waistband and put on a chest holster underneath my suit coat. I drop GSR into the holster along with two magazines into the second holster. I slip my switchblade into my pants pocket before heading down to the elevator. By the time I am in the garage, Vicrul already has the car pulled and ready. He grabbed his favorite, the matte black LaFerrari. I spot blood on the concrete, leading towards the gate. I jog out of the security gate to see where they head. I can spot them leading down the street.

I jog back into the garage, "Let's go."

"What's up?" Vicrul hops in the car and takes off once we clear the security gate.

I bite my knuckle, "Scarlett's place."

Vicrul floors the car, "What'd she do now?"

I shake my head, "I don't know. We are about to find out."

Vicrul takes a few back alleys to avoid traffic lights, "Why isn't Ap'lek driving?"

I look over at him, "Ap'lek has two bloody feet right now and by the look of his eyes, seven shots deep in whiskey."

"Shit," Vicrul pulls up to her building and parks the car.

We both spot small bloody footprints on the sidewalk, leading up and into the building. I walk in first, following her bloody prints up the stairs until the fourth floor, her floor. I watch them run down the hallway and instead of them going straight to her door, they skid into the wall and turn right.

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