I Want Company

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Phasma hands me a small clear cup, "Just urinate into this and put the cap back on when you're done."

I take it into my hands and head to the bathroom. I sit and fill the cup with just a little, enough to run a test. I screw the lid back on and place it on the counter. I wash my hands and dry them while staring at my own reflection in the mirror in front of me. My eyes look tired and drained as if I had not slept the last few days. My back aches with every small movement I make, dragging my attention away from my face. I turn and lift my shirt, trying to get a good look at my back. A gasp leaves my chest when I see the purple bruise running along my entire side. I reach back and gently touch it, wincing with how tender it is.

I stomp out of the bathroom and past Phasma, leading out of the medical room. I spot Kylo drinking with Vicrul and Ap'lek in the living room.

"Just a little bruise?" I shout as I approach Kylo.

He stares down at me.

"You call this just a little bruise?" I point to my back, hiding my wince when I turn to make it visible.

Kylo doesn't move a muscle as Ap'lek approaches me, "Where?"

I respond to Ap'lek without looking away from Kylo, "My back."

I lift my shirt, not caring about the fact that I only have my panties on underneath. I spin to show Ap'lek as Vicrul walks closer to see. Kylo's eyes never leave mine as I hear Ap'lek clear his throat.

"Fuck, Scarlett," Vicrul touches it lightly with his thumb.

"It technically is just a bruise," Kylo finally looks away as he finishes his drink.

"Well, I disagree with your judgement of size." I drop my shirt.

Phasma steps out of the medical room, "Ren, can I speak with you?"

Kylo struts past me without a second glance and closes the door behind him.

I watch as Vicrul says, "We have Josh."

I slowly drag my eyes to his, "You have Josh?"

Vicrul nods as Ren steps back out of the room and walks towards us.

He approaches me, "You ingested Flunitrazepam-"

I cut him off, "You have Josh?"

His eyes narrow to Ap'lek and Vicrul before he answers, "Yes, we have him."

"Why? Why do you have him?" I yell as my hands feel shaky, truly starting to understand the situation.

Sometimes I forget that Kylo is a bad person. Sometimes it slips my mind that he kills people. Sometimes I forget that he is more than just my boss. The realization of Josh's fate makes me queasy but relieved. Does that make me a bad person?

Kylo stares down at me, "You think I'd let him touch what is mine?"

I don't respond. How do I respond? One minute he purposely hurts me and the next, he is claiming me.

Kylo raises his voice, "You think I'd let that piece of shit walk away after last night? After I saw him on top of you and try to force himself onto you after drugging you?"

"You're going to kill him?" I lower my voice to a whisper.

"No," Kylo shakes his head laughing, "I'm going to cut his eyes out of their sockets so they can never look your way again. I'm going to slice his tongue out so he can never speak your name again. I'm going to burn every inch of flesh on his body after breaking every bone in his hands so he can never touch you again. I'm going to bleed him to near death to make sure he never feels again." Kylo licks his lower lip, "Then and only then, Angel... will I kill him."

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now