Peppermint Vodka

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The room is completely dark as I wake up, slivers of moonlight illuminating the tiled flooring. The city lights peek through my windows, flashing across my walls as I stare up at the ceiling. Glancing to the clock, it has been four hours since all hell broke loose upstairs. My eyes are sore as I rub them, puffy, tender, and sticky with emotions I hate feeling. The feeling of being vulnerable and being proven that I should not have been. My chest is tight with regret... pity... heartbreak? I press the palm of my hand to my sternum, checking for the heartbeat I expected to be absent. A twinge of sadness ripples through me as I feel my heart gently thump behind my flesh.

My throat is raw and dry as I sit up, needing anything to drink since my parched mouth won't give me any saliva. Padding over to the fridge, I sigh as I only spot vodka, tequila, and bourbon in my fridge. Without thinking, I grab the clear peppermint vodka and break the seal, lifting it to my lips. I inhale and cringe as the potent scent burns my nostrils and then my throat as I swallow as much as possible without gagging. The heat flushes my throat and stomach as it travels through my body.

"Holy shit," I whisper to myself as it settles in my stomach. I take two more large sips before I feel like I am about to vomit and place it back in the fridge. I make a mental note reminding myself to get this fridge stocked with more than just fucking alcohol. I feel that I can thank Vicrul and Cardo later for this... The thought of Vicrul has my stomach full of liquor churning. I can't believe what I said to them. The thought of regret when Vicrul missed me with his bullet has crossed my mind many times since then but I never thought to say it out loud. I figured it was a thought I would take to my grave, never allowing anyone to know that dark mentality I had. The way Vicrul's eyes widened with shock and Kylo's eyes darkened with... I have no idea what he was feeling. The image of them standing over me sends a chill down my spine. How many people would have died tonight if I was someone else? I enjoy pushing their limits but tonight was not a game. A tiny burp escapes my throat, bringing up some hot liquor from my stomach. The feeling makes me cringe and snaps me out of my thoughts.

To distract myself, I explore the floor, checking the entire first level before carefully taking the stairs upstairs to where the bedroom is. The layout is an exact replica of Kylo's with the bedroom, bathroom, and spare rooms. Stripping, I drop the clothes I am wearing onto the floor and step into the walk-in shower, standing in the steamy water for well over an hour until my thoughts threaten to make me spiral. Once dried off, I scan the closet for any wearable clothes but it looks like Vicrul only stocked it with lingerie. Any other day I would laugh and try them on but not today. Rolling my eyes, I wrap myself in a towel and head to the elevator, deactivating the lockdown feature. I press Kylo's floor and watch droplets of water from my hair land on the floor at my feet. The elevator opens to a quiet and dark floor, no one in sight. My eyes slide to where I last saw the floor covered in my water and the guard's blood mixing. It's already cleaned up, showing no signs of our fight just earlier today. I walk upstairs and grab my own clothes, a pair of cotton shorts and a sweatshirt. I brush my teeth, do my hair, and head back downstairs with food on my mind. I'll raid his cabinets; he owes me that.

I walk past Kylo's office, noticing the door cracked open. I halt my steps as his computer monitor casts a dim glow onto the wall. Chewing my lip, I try to convince myself to keep walking but my curiosity wins, only having been in here while he was also in here. I stare at the pictures hanging on the wall, noting the hole he punched in the drywall now fixed and spotless like it never even happened. I drag my fingertips along his desk and bump the mouse, testing to see if the screen is locked. The screen flashes from the standby screen to the main desktop window. My eyes scan the room before I sit in his chair, grabbing the mouse. I click on his folders tab and scan the file names, not understanding half of the words. My fingers freeze from scrolling as a file named "E.R." pops up. Nausea rolls through me as I double click, holding my breath as three-hundred and twenty-one files come into view. I click on the very first file and scroll, not finding anything interesting. I click on the second and it looks similar to the first document. I scroll down to a random file further in the list and double click. My hand jerks back as a mutilated body pops up on the screen. Shock has me paralyzed for several moments as I stare at the bound and gagged body that is gashed and torn in too many places to count. The police tape surrounds the body, numbering small pieces of evidence next to the body. I squint, noticing fingers and random body parts scattering the floor. My mouth turns watery as I exit out of the picture. I scroll down the long list to the latest file added and click on the icon. A downloading bar appears as a video pops up. My eyes scan the room I sit in again before I press play.

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