One Bullet - Kylo's POV

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It has been three days since the meeting. It has been three days since I have seen her. It has been two nights since I have slept. I never thought she would leave with so much on the line. I know I scared her but I know she isn't a pussy.

The men have been on my ass as well. They want a solution. Idiots think I don't feel the same way?

After the meeting on Monday, I went up to my office on the top floor of the building where I knew the men would be watching and waiting for me. They were able to watch everything from upstairs while I talked with her.

The security system is impressive on the secured meeting floors. The camera and sound quality is impeccable. Not due to bank business, no. It's due to my side jobs.

The men stood as I stepped out of the elevator and strolled into my office. They all took their seats once I sat at my desk.

Vicrul was the first one to break the silence, "That was it?"

He sits on the edge of his seat, obviously upset.

I glare at him, "What would you have liked for me to do? Fucking cut her tongue out and demand her allegiance to me? To us?"

He visibly relaxes knowing I'm right.  Cardo grunts, as if I should have done exactly that to her.

"I don't demand loyalty. I earn it. I never demanded any of you," my eyes scan each man sitting in front of me, "I won't demand her."

I look over at Kuruk, "Keep close tabs on her. I want her location every morning and every night. If she flees the city, you follow."

"Yes, sir," Kuruk nods.

"You can't let her get away with it," Trudgen speaks up.

I direct my glare towards him, "Is that what you think I am doing? Letting her get away with it?"

Trudgen doesn't answer my question but instead looks over to Ushar and Ap'lek. The men drop Trudgen's stare to face me.

"I gave her two choices. Leave or stay," finally, all of my men's eyes are on me, "both choices will have consequences."


Wednesday night was unpleasant to say the least. The meet up that was supposed to happen at 6pm was unexpectedly pushed back to 9pm. I hate surprises. They never lead to anything good.

We arrived at the warehouse right off the shore of the East River at Whitestone Pointe. The plan was to trade the goods that were agreed upon. I supplied 12,000 guns with enough ammo to fill up each weapon three times over and in return I was receiving 44k grams of coke. I have worked with this supplier before so all was expected to run smoothly. Until, tonight happened.

I stand here waiting in the center of the large warehouse. Cardo, Ushar, and Trudgen flanking my left and Vicrul, Ap'lek, and Kuruk flanking my right. The warehouse is dimly lit. I can hear the East river water crash onto the shore of rocks just outside the thin metal walls. It's completely dark outside and I'm getting pissed. We have been waiting much longer than I had agreed to. My breath is visible, the air frigid from lack of heating in this place. My frozen numb ears strain when I hear the van finally pull up outside. I nod silently, letting my men know to stay vigilant. I count four different sets of footsteps heading towards us. The large door slides open, revealing exactly who I was expecting.

"Ah, Solo!"

The man steps into the warehouse, greeting me. He has three other men with him, expected.

I acknowledge him, "Niles."

"So pleased to be seeing you again, Solo. It has been far too long," he stands by the door, not stepping further into the room.

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