Brave Little Thing: Kylo's POV

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I have watched her for the last five years. I am responsible for approving who is added into my team. From brokers to custodial, I approve or reject each and every applicant seeking a position within my company.

I was handed her application five years ago. A young girl, fresh out of high school seeking employment at Bank of Ren. She was a simple pretty thing from Michigan and now looking to build a new life in New York. Her resume was weak but that is expected from a new adult. That day alone, I had rejected all sixty-seven applicants, except one.


She had been hired into my company as part of the custodial crew. I would watch her arrive late at night in an old piece of shit Honda Civic, dressed in jeans and a tee, ready to sweep, vacuum, and clean until her shift was over. She was a hard worker so I turned my head for a while and stopped keeping tabs on her. Within months, one of my lower ranked secretaries, Mick, had resigned out of the blue. He was there for the last four years with no issues before. I knew I could trust him with after hour calls and appointments.

Human resources then placed her into Mick's old position. I didn't think much about it, just satisfied that I had a quick and somewhat reliable replacement. Within a few more months, I lost my best external auditor, Rick. Within weeks, she had filled the new open position and so the story goes.

Wherever she went, my men were dropping like flies. What a stupid little girl for thinking I wouldn't notice. I let her continue. It became a game for me. I watched and deliberately placed certain men in front of her. The ones I truly didn't mind losing. She would sink her pretty teeth into them and rip their heads off. What idiots to fall for her. She was doing my dirty work and I let her for five years.

I thought she would stop once she made more than enough money to support herself plus some. I figured she would stop being greedy when she was close enough for a twenty-three-year-old girl with zero college education under her. She is beating out men with Masters or Doctorate degrees. She had to have realized how suspicious it looked to colleagues or friends and family.

Except this time, she went too far. I thought she had stopped. That is until Dave sent in his resignation letter unexpectedly Friday night. He was with my company for nine years and had outperformed all his colleagues. She deconstructed my plans. She took him out without me knowing and I am angry.

I had to see up close and personal who she was and what I was dealing with. I arranged a VIP lounge at Public Arts for my employees the next night. I spread the information around, knowing it would trickle down to her. It worked. After waiting with my men for over an hour, she walked in. There were several other employees but I knew exactly who she was even though I have not seen her in years. She's tall in heels, slim as I remembered, and still pale with the silver hair. She stands out of any crowd, I'd imagine. A man walked in with her. His arm was wrapped around her body, claiming her as other men turned in her direction to stare. I watched them wade through the crowd until they stood not ten feet before me.

Her eyes were wide and looked everywhere but me. Did she know that I knew? I watched her run down the line of my men, biting and chewing her lower lip subtly. I knew my men were pleased to unofficially meet the girl we have been playing with for years. Especially Vicrul. I glanced quickly to watch him as her eyes went towards him first. The look in his eyes explained it all. He wanted to keep this game going. Half of my men wanted to string her along until there was nowhere for her to go. The other half of my men wanted to make her fall, hard.

I watched her study me last. Her large blue eyes traveled from my shoes, up my legs, subtly noted my jewelry, and lastly locked eyes with me. I watched her squirm under my stare until she bolted to the front of the club. Vicrul sat up eagerly like a hound ready to track her down. I nodded, sending him off to find her. My stare went back to the man that had walked in with her. He reeked of cheap cologne and his stare on the back of her head as she walked away pissed me off.

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