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The remaining of the week is uneventful despite learning a whole new position within four business days. Rosa was a blessing all week long. She made sure I was taken care of by Friday afternoon. She spent her whole day looking over my notes and presentation. She was shocked how quickly I caught on but was overall pleased with how it turned out.

After a couple more pointers, she stands to leave my office, "You'll do great Monday morning."

"Thanks, Rosa." I smile at her before she turns to leave.

I stand up, desperately needing to stretch my back. I grab my old cup of coffee that is definitely stale and cold by now. Heading to the break room, Josh runs out of his office to catch up to me.

"Congrats on the position change. The new data analyst, huh?" He walks the rest of the way with me to the break room.

"Yup, crazy week so far." I try my best to ignore him as I stand in front of the counter, pouring new coffee in my mug.

Josh leans his backside against the counter next to me, "So, plans changed. Have you heard?"

"Nope, I have barely left my office."

I stir in two sugars and cream in my cup watching the dark liquid turn into a caramel colored swirl.

"Saturday night got pushed forward to tonight. Still want to get those drinks with me before the club?"

Dryly, I say, "Why is everything around here being pushed forward all of a sudden?"

Josh laughs as if I made a joke. I didn't.

"Um, yea. Sure, what time and where do you want to meet?" I finish stirring my coffee and drop the metal spoon into the sink.

"I told you, I'll pick you up. How does eight sound?"

Shrugging as I walk back towards my office, "Great."

"Text me your address by 7:30, okay?"

Without looking behind me, I raise my hand and give him a thumbs up while walking away.

I welcome Friday night air with such relief as I walk out of the building and head to my car a couple hours later. I think I have everything ready for Monday morning. Rosa was kind enough to find and give me some of Dave's old notes so I can compare this weekend to practice. Knowing me, I will present to my glass of wine about thirty times before saying fuck it and winging it.

I drive home quickly so I can get ready for tonight. To celebrate the end of the quarter approaching, everyone is going out to another club tonight. My hopes are high to see the seven men again. Every chance I get; I think of them. I think of their faces, their bodies, their clothes, their arrogance, their cockiness. I find myself clenching my thighs together if I think about them for too long. Thankfully, I have been so busy at work that I get a solid nine hours away from those thoughts. It still isn't enough.

Tate isn't in his office when I get home so I head directly to my door. I grab a glass of wine before running a bath. I need to loosen up if I am going to get anything from Josh tonight. I need to reel in my bitchiness for just a few hours.

I dip my body into the hot bath and shut my eyes, relaxing. My feet have been killing from trying to break in my new Armani heels the last three days.

I sip on my wine and scroll through my phone, feeling the tension roll off my body and into the sudsy bathwater. I glance at the clock and realize I am cutting it close with time. I text Josh my address with a smiley face, cringe, before rinsing off and reapplying my makeup.

I opt for black skinny jeans with no rips to keep it formal in case Josh has a fancy plan for drinks. I wear a black t-shirt that plunges in front, just below my breast bone. I finish the look off with a black blazer and my Armani heels that are closed toe and pointy.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now