Let Them See

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Commotion downstairs pulls me out of sleep. We went to another club and drank heavily until everyone could barely stand. I barely remember the drive home or how I ended up in bed in my pajamas. The shouting continues, forcing me to get out of bed and head downstairs. Curiosity tugs at my legs, pulling me down the hall and stairs towards what all the noise is below me.

Ap'lek, Vicrul, Kuruk, Ushar, Trudgen, and Cardo are all standing in the living room, turning to look at me. They are all still dressed in their suits, looking exhausted. I ignore them and head towards Kylo's office, knowing that is where he is as I hear him curse. I step in as he is pacing back and forth in front of his desk. I quietly shut the door and try to approach him.

"How dare they," Kylo seethes through his teeth, spit flying.

I take a step back, flushed against the wall and out of his path. He swipes his arm across his desk, papers flying and the computer crashing to the ground. I yelp, moving away as the keyboard lands where I was standing. I can tell he is seeing red. He would never let something come close to accidentally hitting me on any normal night.

I watch, unsure of what to do or say. I have no idea what happened. I should have asked the men before coming in here.

His fist slams into the wall, causing it to cave in and splinter. He pulls his fist out of the drywall, blood beginning to trickle down his arm and onto the tile. I cover my mouth, holding any concern in. I know he doesn't care. Anything I say will not help right now.

Ap'lek rushes through the door and assesses the hole in the wall, then Kylo, then me. He stares at me and I nod to let him know I'm okay.

"Get the fuck out!" Kylo yells at Ap'lek.

Ap'lek holds his hands up to show he is no threat and reaches for me. I grab his hand so he can lead me out of the office, giving Kylo time to cool down. Kylo stares at my hand in Ap'lek's grip and then stares into my eyes. I see a crack of emotion across his face right before he turns and punches another hole in the wall.

I let go of Ap'lek and whisper, "It's okay, go."

Ap'lek nods and leaves the room in silence. Kylo and I are alone again. Kylo grips his hair with nothing else in the room easy to destroy. His chest is heaving with every breath. I chew my lip, desperately wanting to help him in any way possible.

I nervously walk closer to him, "Look at me."

His eyes stare over my head, avoiding me. I can tell he isn't done; he needs to release more. I stand directly in front of him, confident he won't hurt me. I reach up and hold his face, "Look at me, Kylo."

His name on my lips grabs his attention. He finally looks down at me. "Take it out on me," I whisper while never breaking eye contact.

His face turns to disgust rather than anger, "I would never hurt you."

"Not like that," I take his bloody hand gently in my hands and place it against my neck, "like this."

His eyes darken, instantly. I smile up at him showing him it's okay. Showing him I want this as badly as he needs this.

His grip on my neck tightens slightly, "Angel..."

I nod, "Please, Kylo."

He moans at the plea before his mouth clashes against mine. The kiss is hard and fast. It's frantic and needy. It's everything Kylo isn't. I kiss back, matching his pace. His hands drop down to my ass before lifting me up and dropping me down to sit on his desk. He breaks the kiss only to rip my shirt off, freeing my breasts as he tosses the fabric across the room. I reach for the collar of his shirt and rip it, buttons coming undone and flying across the room. I need to match his energy right now. I can do this. I know how he likes it, how he needs it.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now