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As suspected, I woke up to my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I peeked through my squinted eyes to see it was only 7:10am on a Saturday. I pull myself to sit upright against my bed frame and answer the call.

"Good morning, Ana," I clear my throat of sleep and yawn quietly.

"Shit hit the fan, Scarlett." Her voice sounds tight and panicked. "Dave straight up quit last night. No two week notice or anything."

I would consider Ana from human resources a friend. She knows the game I play since she is who I report the men to. She is a few years older than me but enjoys going clubbing on the weekends like she is still in her early twenties.

"I did report him," I pause, "maybe he caught wind."

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a piss.

"Don't act innocent with me, Scarlett. Do you have any idea how hard it will be to find another data analyst within the next few days? The quarterly meeting is in a few weeks and it is MY job to hire. You just basically took a shit on me."

I laugh as I wash my hands and head to the kitchen for some tea.

I begin to brew hot water, "Listen, I saw this coming. Dave was flaky at work anyways. Let me take over for now until you find a replacement."

Ana huffs loudly into the phone, "Do you know how to crunch ANY numbers? You know what, let's just talk about this over drinks tonight."

"Oh, that sounds splendid. The Dead Rabbit tonight? It's always a good time on Saturdays."

I dunk my tea bag into my steamy mug and watch the clear water turn into a pretty burnt orange. Glancing over my shoulder, there isn't any snow outside so I step onto my patio and take a deep breath, "Listen, I got it covered. Get me in his position Monday morning and I'll make sure everything runs smoothly. Now, lighten up and I'll see you tonight."

"I'm counting on you, Scarlett. See you at 10."

She hangs up abruptly. I sip my tea and watch the city below my balcony. I have always adored how this city never sleeps. How diverse every person is and how beautifully different this city is. Sure, it has its flaws but nothing is ever perfect.

Heading inside, I decide to go for a light job around the block since I'm awake now. I put on some thick leggings, a windbreaker jacket with my running shoes. I slip my stun gun and phone into my right pocket and my keys in my left pocket. I stand in front of a mirror and pull my hair into a high ponytail before heading out.

I swing by the security office to say good morning to Tate before he is off duty, "Good morning, Tate. Have a good night?"

Tate is stretched out with his feet up on the desk, watching the monitors in front of him, "Peaceful night, can't complain. You're up early Ms. Steel."

"I read an article that successful people sleep less." I shrug as I pop my air pods into my ears.

Tate chuckles, "Then I want to be unsuccessful. Have a good run, Ms. Steele."

He crosses his arms behind his head, relaxing again.

I wave bye before picking out my songs as I head out the garage door and down the stairs to street level. The streets are less crowded than usual, perfect. I head East and slowly pick up my pace after I cross the first intersection.

I run until my lungs burn and I need to catch my breath. I look around and notice I am still about 15 minutes from home. I decide to take the long way and walk the rest of the way. My mind wanders.

Mr. Ren has been on the news, been in the newspaper, and is a multi-billionaire investment banker yet, I have yet to see him or pictures of him. I have heard around the office he has a few men directly under him. I believe their names are Vicrul, Kuruk, Ushar, Ap'lek, Cardo, and Trudgen. I'm hoping those are their last names. I've dug around but never found their official job titles. Also, the same goes for them... I have never laid eyes on any of them. My goal is to find at least one of them in the group and weasel my way into the inner circle. I may fuck him, I may not. I have to approach this carefully. If they work close to Mr. Ren, I doubt I can hold blackmail over their heads. I would end up screwing myself over and never be able to work another corporate job again. Bye-bye Mercedes and inner city condo.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now