Say My Name

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Kylo watches me closely, "What do you want?"

I repeat myself, "I want you."

He stands right before me. My eyes are leveled with his chest. I bite my lower lip, his smell intoxicating my brain and making me feel hot. His large calloused hand rests on the side of my face, holding me. I lean into his palm, eager for his affection. He stares into my eyes, still searching for any doubt or second guessing on my end. I make sure to stare back, letting him know that I am ready. No doubt is lingering as I feel my body loosen in his touch.

His hand suddenly leaves my face as he slowly walks toward the bed in the back of the penthouse. I follow him into the bedroom and watch as Kylo walks to the balcony. He pushes open the sliding glass door all the way open, the room filling with warm salty air that sends an odd shiver along my skin.

"What are you doing?" I scrunch my eyebrows, watching him.

He turns the face me, "I want everyone to hear me take you."

My face heats up as my nipples perk up against my dress, revealing my wanting. Kylo takes three long strides towards me before kissing me hard and deep, a lust I never knew possible especially from a man as cold as him. I groan into his mouth as I feel his fingertips gently push the straps of my dress off my shoulders. The dress slowly falls away, bunching at my hips. He leans down, taking my nipple into his mouth, sucking and gently nibbling. I throw my head back, moaning. His hand engulfs my other breast, palming it with a tender but slow pace.

I run my hands through his hair, watching his tongue work circles around my hardened nipple. His eyes stare up at mine with me inside of his mouth, threatening to make my knees give out at the sight alone. He stands, staring down at me as his hands travel down my body, gripping my dress. Kylo pulls the dress completely down, letting it pool at my feet. I flutter my eyes shut as I feel the silk of my dress slip past my thighs and land atop my feet, revealing the lack of panties. I chew my lip, suddenly insecure as his eyes roam my completely naked body. I feel so exposed in front of someone so physically perfect who is still completely clothed.

His smirk tells me everything I need to know.

Kylo stands back up to his complete height and wraps his hand around the front of my neck. The last time he touched my neck, he was threatening to end my life. Oh, how the tables have turned now that he is threatening to give me life.

As he presses his lips against mine, he directs me to walk backwards while gently squeezing my neck. I trust him, walking backwards as I close my eyes to run my tongue against his. The back of my knees hit the edge of the bed before he shoves me back, ripping his mouth from mine. I fall back onto the bed with a sharp gasp, staring up at Kylo. He stares down at me with a wicked grin after he tosses his shirt to the side of the room. The moonlight reflects off his teeth, making me suddenly nervous as his eyes glow bright. I suddenly feel like prey, pinned in the predator's trap. Only, I don't want to escape. I want to be devoured by him.

His skin glows against the bright moonlight, hair completely darkened as he stares down at my naked body sprawled against the bed. He reaches forward and drags a fingertip lightly along my body. My skin pebbles into goosebumps as his finger traces my breasts, circles my nipples, and then drags down my core, only stopping right above the apex of my sex. I gasp as he pushes open my legs with his knee. I hear a groan leave his lips as I part my legs, allowing him to step between them.

"Angel," he voice is raspy as he stares, "what a pretty little thing you are."

My core trembles at his compliment, desperate for him to show me how pretty I am. I lay my head back as I feel his fingertips drag against and between my thighs. The ceiling seems to be spinning as if I am drunk except I'm only drunk off of his attention. What I have been craving for these last five years. To be seen by a man like Kylo is every girls' dream. His skin against mine suddenly stops just as he brushes his knuckles against my inner thigh. I prop myself up on my elbows to watch his next move, anticipating it.

Untouchable [Kylo Ren Mafia AU]Where stories live. Discover now